[APP][Pro] Dashboards

I have more than enough to do, translations is on the list, but as I have to prioritize, it’s not on the list I have currently made for the planned 1.0.0 release.

I currently have

  • 43 tasks completed
  • 5 in progress
  • 18 todo
  • 22 has no status

And this is just what’s on the board. There’s also several other issues opened by the other users of the community that haven’t event reached the board :sweat_smile:


Simple switchboard. The basis was the first opportunity. Is not placed in Homey but via Github.
When we can copy/paste things then I will do it with this board

Thanks Marcus @skogsaas


Sign me up to help with the Dutch translation when you need it

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Love your hard work !!

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Amy update on the sliders?

Fixed and will be in the next release :wink:


:ok_hand: :smile:

Are we close to a new release @skogsaas ? :slight_smile:

Really eager to continue my work on my dashboards, but slightly hindered right now because the Dashboard widget doesn’t work (you know, a “/” sign is missing in the URL).

And off course this one: Reconnect on tab focus · Issue #109 · skogsaas/homey.dashboards · GitHub :slight_smile:


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Peter , where you able to fix the closing of the popups?
I am migrating from chrome to firefox and i cannot seem to close the popups either.

Nope, submitted here: BUG: Popup cannot be closed with Firefox · Issue #114 · skogsaas/homey.dashboards · GitHub

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I get an error on Dashboards when I run a check for updates in the App Version Checker app (downloaded from the old Homey Community Store):

Checking for updates halts whe it reaches the Dashboards app and is not continued.
When I uninstall Dashboards there is no problem.

Can this be related to the Dashboards app or is this a problem of the App Version Checker app?

Strange thing is that there is no problem with checking for updates for all my other installed apps.

I have no clue what this app tries to do. But, it might be that it fails because this app is privatly listed in the Homey App Store. You need the direct link to be able to access it :thinking:

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Ah, that could be an clear explanation.
This app checks for updates for all installed apps on your Homey.

Do you have plans to list it publically in the Homey App Store?
Then we’ll know soon enough… :wink:

Same over here

But one question for that then how can I add buienradar for example ?

It’s in here:


Are sliders not working anymore ?

Works on my computer

A typical thing to say as a developer :sweat_smile:

It’s fixed, just not released.


Is it possible to give an indication when you release the new version?
Then I can stop refreshing this thread multiple times a day :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the awesome app! :slight_smile:

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Update v0.15.0 - Simplified color picker, thresholds, variants for variables++

Hi all

I’ve probably tried to do too much at the same time, instead of just releasing smaller changes at a time. But here it is, a month’s worth of changes. It might not look like much, but that’s also because I removed a big piece of what I’ve spent time on. I realized that it wasn’t the correct way to go ahead with major new features, so it’s removed for now.

Simplified color picker

I’ve added a simplified color picker based on the default handpicked colors of the Tailwind CSS framework. This is meant as a simple option in order to select colors that work well together. If you feel that 100% custom colors is necessary, give me a shout!


This is the beginning of value based styling. To start with, only colors can be applied, but it does make for some nice changes. Insights is the first to get this feature, but it will spread to other components.

It work by adding thresholds on top of the base layer. When the value exceeds the threshold, this color is used.

You can add as many thresholds as you like.


In order to supply users with consistent components, I’ve now started to create some re-usable controls for boolean and numeric values. As an easy start, this is now used for logic variables.


Four variants exists for boolean values.
Icons can be selected for true and false values, in addition to colors for the icons.


Two variants exists for numeric values.
The first one is the slider, which is currently displayed as text in card mode, and as a slider in view mode. The second one is composed of the value with unit and two buttons to increase of decrease the value.

I will try to reuse these components for capabilities as well, but I’m also questioning if I should refactor the current capability widget to resemble the native Homey look. And create a new capability widget with all the options and customizations :thinking:

I’ve also worked on or completed the following: