[APP][Pro] Dashboards

While I am here - one bug and one feature request:

  1. Adding a link from one dashboard to another does not work because a “/” sign is missing in the URL.

The link from the widget looks like this:


This one does not work. It should look like this:


  1. Would be great to have the possibility to override the title when adding a new Dashboard widget, as we can with other devices/capabilities.


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Yes, I‘m using an iPAD in Kiosk mode. Same challenge I have to refresh manually. It‘s not too bad. More a problem when you (or others more likely) quickly look at the Dashboard and forget they look at stale data.

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A little UI glitch I observed: it seems that font size for longer texts gets reduced (so far ok I guess), but this also influences the icon size. Leads to strange mis-alignments that hurt the eye :rofl:


Have the same issue

Would be nice if it refresh automatically


Hi @skogsaas, I noticed something strange and don’t know if it’s a bug or not. After our gasusage dropped drastically yesterday, the scale seems off:

My dashboard shows:

While insight shows the correct scale:

The bars show the correct pattern but if I click on them, they show the wrong value.

This was working allright until our gasusage dropped drastically/yesterday. Clue if it’s a bug or not?

Based on the graph from insight, you do some kind of aggregation in order to reduce one week of data into one value pr day. I’m just guessing that you’re using average aggregation when it should be max or last value within each time period, as your meter resets each day :thinking:

Yep i’m usung aggregation but nit average.

How does it look if you use max instead of last? I know that Homey Insights has issues with timestamps. Especially around winter saving time adjustments, and I know that Athom has a fix for their issues in testing. Might be that they released that and it somehow affects it🤔


Yep that’s it. Thank you

Can you, or anyone here, tell me what some aggregation types mean / what they do?
Especially Min, Sum, First and Last
(yes I tried Ggl, but it ended up in scientific blur)
Screenshot from 2023-11-11 19-48-20

Of course!

You request last 1 week of data.
Response is a week worth of measurements every 1 hour.
You configure sample rate to be 1 day.
Measurements are grouped into days
For each group, reduce from 24 values to 1 value by applying an aggregate function.

For max this means that the greatest value among the 24 values are selected.
For min this means that the smallest value among the 24 values are selected.
For first this means that the oldest (based on timestamp) is selected.
For last this means that the newest (based on timestamp) is selected.
For sum this means that the sum of the 24 values are returned.

Does this explain it? :thinking:


Thanks so much, Marcus, I’ll go experimenting with it. Thanks!

@skogsaas is there way to implement an option to add an image Url without using homey images ?

If I understand your question correct:
I search online for ‘wallpaper’ and just copy/paste it’s URL here in dashboard settings:

If you respond on my question no , that’s not what I mean

I mean ; Now you can only select images from homey self (example camera or VD)
Would nice if I can put the link directly in the dashboard

Yes I was.

Ah, I see!
You can use the iframe for that.

Ahhh stupid from me


No problem. The description ‘Iframe’ is a bit too technical I think.

Maybe ‘Weblink’, ‘Webpage’ as widget description, or something like that, is more universal?
Does it make sense, @skogsaas ?

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Nice translation to Dutch would also nice

True, but I believe Marcus likes to put translations on hold, until the dashboard reaches some kind of finished ´release’ state.

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