[APP][Pro] Dashboards

So, still the sliders won work. Am I the only one with this problem? I kan turn switches on and of. The cams are working. But sliders… so far not.
I use the local dashboard. Permissions in the API key are all set to enabled.

Have you checked if there’s any errors in the development console? F12 on your keyboard.

You mean the source. I see nothing unusual:


No, when you open the developer tools (F12), you have a tab called console:

Errors are displayed in red.

There are no issues. Unfortunately I cannot make a screenshot


Feature request: :blush:

  1. Have to possibility to set the position for capabilities - left, center or right align. In this case, it would look much nicer with a left align. Thanks for taking this into consideration.

  1. Make the “start” button for flows a bit smaller.



I get this when I try to use my Sliders;
image … and it was not related to the sliders but happened at the same time, tried again and nothing is shown in the console or with the target temperature in the slider :wink:

They do! I actually confirmed this with Athom. Changing your password revokes all oauth. This is also the only way to revoke oauth acces.

Confirmed, Marcus @skogsaas

When I use the target temperature slider, the thermostat does not respond to it, and the slider moves back to the original value after a while, the console doesn’t show anything when operating the slider.

Peek 2023-11-07 15-44

However, this popped up when I reloaded the page. Might be related? All other parts of the dashboards work fine though.

Oh, I use the online version combined with dashboard devices @ Homey 2019

I’ll look into it! Cannot remember any changes related to this, that’s why it puzzles me :thinking:

I’m working on something that goes way beyond this, but I’ll keep it in mind :wink:

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I secretely hope that it’s about applying any styling to the values (or entire line) - even based on its values (e.g. temperature that are too high suddenly get red and bold …) :innocent:

I’ll have the same issue

Slider at start with the target temperature from a virtual device;

When I just move the slider to increase the value;

When I click on the Slider it has the original value;

and the only error in the console is this but it comes without doing anything;

Using online @HP23

Hi Marcus @skogsaas and all,

I have now messed around with this app/project for a couple of days, and I’m truly impressed by your work Marcus. This is what we’ve been waiting for!

Unfortunately, I can’t get it to work as expected though. I will explain.

Today, I’m using a wall-mounted Samsung tablet. I use the Android app Fully Kiosk to show the Homey app. The screen wakes up automatically upon motion.

When the screen wakes up, it takes a few milliseconds for the Homey app to update all values to the most current ones. Fair enough. Fully Kiosk has all the permissions in the world, i.e. the battery setting for the app is set to “Unrestricted”.

I have now replaced the Homey app with this new dashboard instead. Using HP2023 with Remote URL link. Everything happens in real-time WHEN the screen is on. However, if the screen goes to sleep and you wake it up, no values are updated automatically – as far as I can see, only the insight widgets are updated properly. All capabilities etc are not updated automatically. It requires a page reload to get the updated values. This makes this solution a bit…”useless”…if you understand what I mean.

I would be happy to hear your experience with this. I love the project, but if the values are not updated/fetched automatically, I guess I have to revert to the Homey app again.

Hi @Peter_Kalrsson
Would you be able to have the same functionality by refreshing the dashboard by using an extension like ’
Auto Refresh Plus’ or something similar?

Thanks @Twan_Veugelers. I don’t want to sound pessimistic, but no - it’s not an option, really. I can force a page reload with Fully Kiosk when the screen wakes up, but modern web pages does not rely on a page refresh to update its data - especially when we talk about dashboards. I do not want to wait 10 seconds before I see a new updated dashboard. Then no one will use it.

You seem to forget “no one” isn’t always using Fully Kiosk browser…

I understand what you’re talking about, I’ve known about this issue for some time now, just haven’t focused on trying to do something about it yet. My own main usage of the dashboard is as a replacement of the native Homey App for basic daily usage. So this is not something that has bothered me enough yet to focus on :laughing:

Added it to the list as something that should be fixed before releasing v1.0.0 of the app: Reconnect on tab focus · Issue #109 · skogsaas/homey.dashboards · GitHub


I know that I could count on you Marcus @skogsaas - thanks for understanding :slight_smile:

I will also use it on demand, so to speak, as a replacement for the native app, but I think a lot of people - me included - are really looking forward to a dashboard app that can be used on wall-mounted tablets. And then this is THE thing missing, so really, really looking forward to when this is implemented.

Keep up the good work, and have a really good evening!

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