[APP][Pro] Dashboards

I’ve tested some, but need more intel:

  • I’m guessing that the slowness is when you drag the slider in the dashboard?
  • What’s the min and max value of the slider?
  • What’s the step size of the slider?
  • How far do you drag the slider?
  • Do you experience the slowness if you click on the slider target value insted of dragging?

Thanks Marcus! Another great addition!

For the weather nerds, here’s what works with iframes
I had to enable these:

Mobile browser:

Card URL (city and size) can be created here

Weather forecast URL used:
Station 6249 is Berkhout NL.

Here you can define your own city and forecast:

Other city codes should be somewhere at the buienradar.nl site.


I have an old slider that works but now I can’t add a new one, I only get “Slider not configured”. This virtual device actually had a slider before but I removed it some time ago, now I can’t add it back.

hmm when upgrading from the experimental app to last one 1 page is not working annymore…
also when i try to set the devices back i only got the name further nothing…

My first iframe addition and clock sugestion :slight_smile: works great.


Would it be possible to show true/false variables in the insights as 1/0? Or is it possible already (without creating a numeric variable)? I’m only getting an empty graph

2nd row with iframes

1 Like

@skogsaas same issue I have too

Nice where did you get it

Maybe we can share interesting links for iframes /html


YR weather: Yr - Oslo


i tried with this website but i coudnt find out how to get the iframe code working.

for exameple this is coming out :

<!--Dayspedia.com widget--><iframe width='276' height='203' style='padding:0!important;margin:0!important;border:none!important;background:none!important;background:transparent!important' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' comment='/*defined*/' src='https://dayspedia.com/if/digit/?v=1&iframe=eyJ3LTEyIjp0cnVlLCJ3LTExIjp0cnVlLCJ3LTEzIjp0cnVlLCJ3LTE0IjpmYWxzZSwidy0xNSI6ZmFsc2UsInctMTEwIjp0cnVlLCJ3LXdpZHRoLTAiOnRydWUsInctd2lkdGgtMSI6ZmFsc2UsInctd2lkdGgtMiI6ZmFsc2UsInctMTYiOiIyNHB4Iiwidy0xOSI6IjQ4Iiwidy0xNyI6IjE2Iiwidy0yMSI6dHJ1ZSwiYmdpbWFnZSI6MTMsImJnaW1hZ2VTZXQiOnRydWUsInctMjFjMCI6IiNmZmZmZmYiLCJ3LTAiOnRydWUsInctMyI6dHJ1ZSwidy0zYzAiOiIjMzQzNDM0Iiwidy0zYjAiOiI0Iiwidy02IjoiIzM0MzQzNCIsInctMjAiOnRydWUsInctNCI6IiMwMDdkYmYiLCJ3LTE4Ijp0cnVlLCJ3LXdpZHRoLTJjLTAiOiIzMDAiLCJ3LTExNSI6ZmFsc2V9&lang=nl&cityid=2750'></iframe><!--Dayspedia.com widget ENDS-->

I’m also looking for some news frame nu.nl or NOS ?

Teddy, It looks neat, but a simple question: how do you create that background and the white rounded edge? Is the answer just as easy? Hehe

Use only the URL from that code (starts with https://)
You can check if it works just by opening the URL in a browser.
In your case, this is the URL to use




A tip for a nice weather iframe I found in another forum:

  1. Go to the Bing chat bot: Bing AI - Search
  2. Ask Bing for your weather forecast. Type something like: What is the weather forecast for MYTOWN MYNATION? (replace MYTOWN MYNATION)
  3. Bing gives the weather widget as part of its response. Right-click on it and select Inspect
  4. Open search in Inspect and search for iframe. Find
    "<iframe class="frame" role="presentation" allow="clipboard-write" name="c29bc837-d017-83f58" style="width:648px;height:475px;" src="https://www.bing.com/search?showselans=1&amp;IG=....
  5. Right-click on the part starting with https://www.bing.com/search?showselans=1&amp;IG= and copy link or open a new window.
  6. Create an iframe window in Dashboards and paste the copied link above.


Sadly I found out that my weather iframes not updating with new weather data.
The Buienradar is still starting from 09:15 to 10:10

Hmm is that related to buienradar or the implementing here on the dashboard ?