[APP][Pro] Dashboards

All 3 iframes are from Buienradar doing this

Just make a clock from timeanddate and that’s going well.

Hmm so it’s buienradar ?

Waiting for others to conform this or not.

Have same problem.

There’s no logic doing a refresh of the iframe. The contents of the iframe (your url) is responsible for all logic.


When I put “/refresh” on the end of the buienradar picture link, then a F5 get the latest rain pictures for the -1 hour period.
Trying to put a number behind to do auto refreshing is not aloud. Getting an error.

*The tables don’t working with that “/refresh” at all.

*It seems that F5 the tables also refreshed.
The only part of them to see changes clearly is the temperature.
Only they have now a long time the same value.

Hi, you’re not having this problem anymore? For me it is impossible to add even one capability (when i click on " Capability not configured"). It directly stops/crashes. Nothing works anymore after that. I gladly hear how it is going with your dashboard ( i have a Homey Pro Early 2019). Maybe I am doing something wrong :upside_down_face:
With kind regards, Stefan

No issues here.

Maybe the difference is that I using a pc.
Refreshing those rain pictures is normal.

This morning the /refresh was not working for the buienradar iframe.
The time still where around 19:00 form yesterday. Even after F5.
After trying other things I put the old link back inclusive /refresh and it worked again.
It was a few minutes later and the dashboard was active that time. That’s normally not.

For the record: the KNMI cam rain-radar need also F5 to refresh.

Later in the day I shall look further in to this.

I have the same problem, everything freezes when I click “Capability not configured” or when I try to edit a already configured capability.

I think i see the same behavior that it gets stuck at a older radar sequense here also.

Hi Theo,
I used a mobile browser indeed.
I will test with a PC now, and I´ll get back to you.

I’ll look into it :ok_hand:

I cannot reproduce this. Can you see if there’s any errors in the developer console (press F12)?
You too @Stefan_Veenhof

Yes, there are

At this moment I annot add slides also. It askes for a capacity . Fotr instance my device is my thermostaat. Then it askes for a capacity.The list shows all available capacities of all the devices I have

Identified and added a mitigation for this. Coming tomorrow :wink:

Also identified and fixing this :ok_hand:

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Hi, it looks like the error of Erland I think. I thought, maybe this error arised because of weird/experimental VD configurations, or because of having too many devices.


Tested with a browser on a laptop.
The Buienradar iframes indeed aren’t getting updated by themselves @ Chrome browser, but one push on F5 refreshed the Buienradar animations, and showed the upcoming hours animations correct.
Not sure why F5 did not work for you.
Are you sure you use these settings?

Maybe Marcus @skogsaas can add a refresh option for the iframes some day, something similar to the Image widget?

The setting are the same.

There are 2 dashboards here.
When you start, you can do that from fresh, with homeyboard.github.io, or from every dashboard.
Normally I do the last one.

Yesterday it was going a long time good with F5 but suddenly it’s over.
No F5 or Shift F5 is working.
Then I have to “change” the link to go further. Changing is putting something on the end and remove it.

This morning I started from fresh but I and it gives the right pictures.
If it go wrong again and F5 is not working then I restart from fresh to see if that is working then.

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