[APP][Pro] Dashboards

Yet another weather widget to put into an iframe:

Doesn’t seem to related with the dash app

Opening this link below in a browser also shows the ‘old’ time here, F5 doesn’t make a difference, even clearing cache & reload page doesn 't change anything…

Ok, I deleted it. Just wanted to present alternative to the many posts about NL weather radar.

Also lost track now.
One moment F5 is working next moment totally not or gives an even older picture.

My link had “scrolling=no width=550 height=512 frameborder=no” on the end and remove I it now after seeing yours.

Maybe back to the cam.

Shift F5 had to be Ctrl F5

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Update 0.14.1 - Fix for sliders and migration from old dashboards

Hi all

I’ve looked into some of your issues and added a fix for the slider widget editor. You can now also select capabilities without having to go through first selecting a device.

I’ve also added a mitigation to fix migrating old dashboards. Those really old dashboards that hasn’t been edited in ages (months), didn’t approve of some of the latest updates :sweat_smile:


No no, sorry, it wasn’t a response to your post Morgan, please undelete it…
I was replying to Theo :hugs:
You can see who is replied to in the upper right corner:

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Thankss slider is working again !
But still has a issues with device

I can add a device… change the name an add a icon but no option of on/off.

The device widget was only added to maintain same look and feel after splitting the old device widget into multiple instances of the capability widget. You have to use capability widget instead :ok_hand:

Thank you !

Almost perfect, one entity did not migrate, but I don’t recall what was it anymore :wink:

Well, you should not create a solution, which was almost perfect from capability point of view :wink:
I just set it, and that’s it (…month ago or so, not months), so no need to touch it, just fine tuning now :wink:

Thanks for all the hard work on this @skogsaas - really amazing!

When do you think the app will be live, so to speak?

Thx @skogsaas for slider fix

Can you also look if you can set it up with half degrees or something ?
For my thermostat / airco ?

Hi Marcus @skogsaas
Is it possible to auto-resize all buttons in a widget to the size of the widest one? I’m getting a bit restless when looking at this :sweat_smile: :crazy_face:
I tried to use extra whitespaces / tabs for the buttons with less characters, but that has no effect

Screenshot from 2023-10-30 17-13-03

Screenshot from 2023-10-30 17-14-53

This is workaround is not pretty as well :wink:
Screenshot from 2023-10-30 17-21-31

Can you access and edit this also on a pc?
Then you can try Alt + 255.

Haha! I get what you mean! :joy:

This and other things are being worked on, but it will take a while :wink:

From a technical perspective, it’s live, just not public listed on the Homey App Store. You need to access the direct link to the app in order to find it. Other than that, I have a goal to always be backwards compatible and migrate dashboards as things progresses.

Over 500 users! :partying_face:

Even though the app is only available if you find this forum-topic, over 500 has now installed the Homey app. To begin with, the Athom Oauth login had a limit of 500 users. I’ve asked founder Emile at Athom to increase this limit, and he’s now increased it to 5000 users. I’m just looking forward to the day I have to ask him to increase it again :grin:


Thanks for the hint, unfortunately it doesn’t work here, @Theo_de_Koning
Tried both linux and windows machines, with Chrome & Firefox

@skogsaas hi Marcus, I noticed something weird. At start both bar charts looked the same but since a couple of days they look different (thin lines instead of normal bars). See image below.

Any clue?

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Hmm… new to me. I’ll make a note of it :thinking:

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Why display any text at all on the button since it’s the same as the label? This would instantly make sure all buttons are the same size.
I prefer the switch anyway, because with that you can actually see that something is happening. The button only has minimal (visual) feedback

The text is automatically copied to the buttons. It’s determined by the dashboard code.

But, you brought me to this idea to just leave the buttons without text, or just show the word ‘Push’, or just show a button icon, while the capability text is already shown on the left hand side of the buttons. That would solve the ‘different button size’ “issue” @skogsaas ? What do you think, Marcus?

@zakraket When I leave the capability field empty, the default capability name is shown on the left and on the button, like I showed previously:

For a user to leave out text on the button, a dot for instance is the minimum entry. But as you can see on the screenshot, the text on the left is also a dot then, so not of any use here:

They are default device buttons, provided for by an app, like volume up and down, play, pause, start, dock and such. I am not considering creating virtual switches for all those.

I’m working on improving numeric and boolean components with a lot more options. I’m guessing this also will be affected :thinking:
I’ve made a note of it!