[APP][Pro] Dashboards

@skogsaas , many thanks for starting this project!!

I have 2 questions:

  • what is the time intervall when the dashboard refreshes?

  • why does the horizontal size of insights graphics differ so much between PC and iPAD (Pro)?

This is PC:

This is iPAD, all the graphics are horizontally extremly compressed:

@skogsaas when I select slider and config capability’s then it wil not save and got messages slider not configured ?

Also old configured sliders are slow with updating

How did tou do that ?

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It’s mentioned below the first flow screenshot?

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Closest thing is this task: Copy and move widgets between dashboards · Issue #32 · skogsaas/homey.dashboards · GitHub

I’m guessing this is regard to insights, and that depends on the resolution. If you request the last hour, Homey says that a new value is available every 5 seconds. But on higher resolutions you get every minute or longer.

The grid always use the entire screen width, this is why it compresses on a slightly smaller screen. Though, it has 4 breakpoints which allows it to have a different layouts on different screen sizes. I have a task on my list to allow users to edit and create breakpoints themselves: DASHBOARD: Breakpoint settings · Issue #30 · skogsaas/homey.dashboards · GitHub

I’ll look into it.

You sure it’s not the Homey that updates slowly? Because I’m not able to do anything else than listen for changes in capability value, and update the slider when the value is received. Try to verify that it’s actually the slider that’s slow by opening the my.homey.app in a side-by-side window while changing value.

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When I manually set a device temp or curtain on homey it works fine

With slider a bit slow and also updating the status is not instant

Yeah but I’ve also installed that app and have flows but then

It’s not a device

@skogsaas About the grid/brakpoints:

I also noticed that when resizing a dashboard on my 4k monitor (just 5 x 5 widgets, only using the left 50% of the screen), it already starts resizing widgets when I resize the browser window, instead of keeping the existing widget size until the entire content does not fit in the available space horizontally.

It is particularly annoying with camera snapshots that immediately get resized. Is there maybe a way to change this behavior to keep aspect ratio for images so they just become smaller in both directions instead of just compressing horizontally?

A few hundred posts ago, it was discussed that an optional breakpoint setting for max width could be an option. This would allow people to create fixed size dashboards without the responsiveness when resizing :thinking:

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A peek at the next release :wink:
Some will understand, some wont.


Ooooh super nice I think I know it !!!

Looking forward to it


An iframe? Sadly things like google calender block this :sob:

Yesssssss :star_struck:

I tried to show it in de screens as clearly as I thought possible.

I use 2 different apps: Afval Herinnering 2.0 and Device capabilities.
In the Device capabilities I created a device with 3 text fields: Vandaag, Morgen & Overmorgen.
And the rest is show in the flows to fill the text fields


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Drooooooool :wink:

Can’t be true? In calender settings you could pick the iframe-code for calender:

Update 0.14.0 - Iframe widget, logging out and boolean insights

Hi all

I know a lot of you have requested this, so here it is: iframe widget!
It allows you to embed anything, as long as the content allows it :wink:

By default, the iframe is completely sandboxed and dont allow anything. So you have to play with the settings to make everything work based on your needs.

On the bottom of the main menu, you can now click the sign-out button to sign out. This will NOT delete local dashboards that are saved in the browser localstorage.

Boolean insights has also received some love. They now display a stepped graph for on and off. The resolution has no effect for boolean insights, only the last 50 or 100 events are saved by Homey Insights. This is actually used internally in Homey to display historic capability events. I’m not sure if boolean insights should be available as a graph in the future, but for now, this is what you get :wink:

Issues completed in this release:


Awesome, great work👍🏻

Great !

Did you also check my issue with sliders.