[APP][Pro] Dashboards


I want to do some major changes, but it might result in it being challenging to edit dashbords on smaller and/or touch screens. This means that the best way to edit dashboards would be on a computer. Would this be a major challenge for you, or would it be okay in order to get more customizations?

As I don’t know of any better ways of conducting a poll here on the forum, just click one of the two links below based on your response. Both links point to this post, I just get a click counter for each of them :sweat_smile:

:green_heart: Advanced editing on a computer is okay by me: [APP][Pro] Dashboards - #793 by skogsaas
:hot_face: Editing on a computer would be a major setback for me: [APP][Pro] Dashboards - #793 by skogsaas