[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

Probably possible at least for the most part anyway. But it’s probably not going to happen (soon). This is quite a break from the way the app is designed so it’s a lot of work to develop and maintain. I’m currently going to focus on adding support for Shelly Bluetooth devices. Feel free to submit a feature request on Github, if more people vouch for it, perhaps in the future when I have more time.


You can probably (most of it) do that by using the device capability app and a virtual device.
And the powerbythehour app with a device for totals.

You can do this easy with the app.

Well this is what I was looking at avoiding. Having extra devices.

I use multiple virtual devices and groups to perform actions.

Using these groups and VD’s because I have many flows and if a device is broken and need to be repaired, I only have to repair one or 2 items/ flows and not an awfull lot.

Some device I name system devices and put them in separate non house zones.

Created Feature request: Single device for Shelly (Pro) EM3, instead of three. · Issue #186 · jghaanstra/cloud.shelly · GitHub
Hopefully enough votes for the feature.

Hi Jelger,

Just a brainfart:
Every now and then I still see users writing about thinking their Shelly('s) will not be supported in the future.
Is it an idea to add something like a hint to the alert, like “Remove your device(s) and pair it again using the latest version of the app”.

Reading changelogs or forum topics seems to be very difficult to some :upside_down_face:

Screenshot from 2023-04-30 22-46-16

I’m not able to edit the deprecated notice. I think I can show an alert or something though. I might look into that at about time.


Why are Shelly turning automatically off my Plug S?

Qestion nr. 2:
I have a dishwasher that may consume 2100W. I can see the Shelly Plug S can manage 2500W.
Is there any plug that can handle more watts so I am not working in the upper limit and maybe cause the plug to melt?

I have 10 Shelly Plug S running via Homey. None of them switch on their own. Have you checked the Shelly app to see if maybe there is a routine programmed or someone manually turns the plug off at the button.
I too use the Plug S on a dishwasher and washing machine. If the 2500 watts are exceeded, the Shelly switches off automatically. Overheating is not possible due to this protective circuit.

I too use plug S for appliances that draw over 2000W with no issue. ( heating is max 1 hour but granny charging my car lasted for multiple hours om 2300W without issue) Maybe the max load is set lower than the 2500W. I had one delivered that was set to 2000W and that switched off as that was set too low by default.
Might want to check that setting.

Currently with Shelly 3EM the total power of the three devices (three phases combined) and the power of single device (one phase) is named the same in the tags and in insights = “power”.

Could it be possible to change that the total sum power of all devices for example to “total power”. Just to avoid errors with using the wrong variable.

Hello Guys, I cannot find solution in previous posts… I have problem with Energy meter, he makes reset after some time. Is there any possibility how to fix it?

This is a “feature” of the some Shelly devices where the energy meter is reset after a power cycle (for instance a firmware upgrade).

No, the Homey SDK wont allow me to rename these tags when re-using a capability as I did with these accumulated power meters. You could ask Athom to allow developers to do this (or beter yet, re-use the title as already set under the capability options of this re-used custom capability).

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Just a question. see reports that the shelly 2.5 / that type of device may no longer be supported in the future anyone know if support for it will end? can’t find any information about it.

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I’m unable to add new devices. I have tried adding 2 door sensor 2’s, but it does not work.

It find’s the device, but after continuing, it just get’s stuck on white “page”. Tried on phone and web app:

After restarting the app in Homey, it does not find the device anymore. I get the option of putting in IP address, but this function does not work either. I only get an error:

What can I do here? Devices have latest firmware.

Report: 1dcda6d6-00e2-42a1-b913-14977d2f317b

Networking errors. Restart Homey, Shelly and possibly your router. This is not an issue with the app. There is a networking troubleshoot guide in the first post.

I restarted Homey and my router. Same issue. After maybe 6 hours total, I have given up. I added the device to Home Assistant, and then added the sensor to Homey through the HA app. It works perfectly. I don’t like to go through HA, but I’ll rather do that than wasting more time

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