[APP][Pro][Cloud] P2000 for Homey (Dutch 112 (911) alerts


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:rotating_light: Update 4.7.5

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:wrench: Under-the-Hood Enhancements: In this version of P2000, we’ve made some minor improvements to enhance overall performance and user experience. We’re continuously working behind the scenes to fine-tune the app for the best possible user experience.
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Allereerst complimenten voor jullie werk en de hoge mate van onderhoud en updates!
Ik zit met een uitdaging bij alarmering voor een GRIP situatie.

Ik wil graag weten of er ergens in het land een GRIPsituatie is afgekondigd.
Dat werkt goed via advanced flow:
ALS melding ontvangen > EN (via logica) P2000 bevat grip > EN (via logica) P2000 bevat niet Oefening> EN (via logica) P2000 bevat niet Proefalarm > EN (via logica) P2000 bevat (GRIP1) > DAN melding (bij true, anders verder via > EN (via logica) P2000 bevat (GRIP2) etc.

De eerste GRIP1 kwam mooi binnen. Maar wel 30x helaas
 (vermoedelijk omdat ie voor elke gealarmeerde capcode triggerde). Dit zou je kunnen ondervangen door "EN P2000 bevat “monitorcode”, omdat die maar 1 x in de Grip1 alarmeringslijst voorkomt, maar dat argument valt jammer genoeg niet onder P2000 of CATEGORIE.

Ik heb daarom 4 variabelen aangemaakt; negeergrip1, negeergrip2, negeergrip3, negeergrip4. Die flippen om bij een trigger en blijven 20minuten in de JA-stand. Daarna mogen ze weer meldingen doorlaten. Mocht er dus binnen die 20 minuten ergens anders in het land ook een GRIP1 worden afgegeven, dan mis ik die.
Helaas kreeg ik vanmorgen toch weer meerdere meldingen bij de GRIP1 van Kloetingen op momenten dat er geen actieve melding was uitgegaan. Het lijkt dus alsof er in de korte tijd voor dat de “negeergrip1” actief wordt toch al meerdere meldingen binnenglippen en dat die dus na verloop door Homey alsnog worden uitgespuugd.

Ben nu bezig met een variabele die de stad wegschrijft naar een VARstadgrip1 om die vervolgens te blokken, totdat er wordt afgeschaald of VARstadgrip2 gevuld wordt.

Maar wellicht is het mogelijk om er in de app een simpelere oplossing voor te vinden, of heeft iemand anders al iets gevonden. Flow ook ingestuurd voor beoordeling onder nummer 0b18ab86-87f1-409e-b600-f9a6a645870b

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Hi @Koert_Walraven,

(Just in English, since the English topic.)

Thanks for your compliment and of course you’re welcome.
I don’t see your flow in your report so soon, but I’m going to look into creating a condition card and token for GRIP.

Think is more convenient than the many variables.

Excuse for the question in Dutch. Just came from a Dutch section here in the forum. Thanx for the intended addition of a GRIP-token.
Hope you can also check if there is a “burst-overload” on Homey when a Grip-alert is received.

The key for a solution with GRIP-alerts for the whole country (so not just e.g. WHEN city is Groningen) must lay in a unique identifier in a GRIP-alert. Therefore I stated that it would be nice if one could filter on the presence of the word “Monitorcode”, because that is just one occasion per given GRIP1-alert. That way homey wont speak for every other capcode.

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I think the filtering will be on the p2000 notification, so not on the capcode individually.

I agree. But what would then be the solution to prevent that the same alert is processed by Homey many times instead of only once?
Now, in my flow, when a GRIP comes in, i get notified by Homey and at the same time every new alert for GRIP is neglected (by VAR negeergrip=true).
But still Homey keeps repeating (after a few minutes, while "negeergrip=true) "the same alert, as like it was saved on entry and processed later.

The app checks if it has already pushed the notification, if not it pushes it, if so it skips it. So with a condition behind the trigger, it will only be allowed to push through once provided each grip notification has a different ID. Often what you see happen is that with a grip notification it is pushed out multiple times to call an expertise and thus another notification.

I am going to see what we can do in your request and if this can be minimised.

Nice used case.

Thanx for the swift answers. In the mean time I will check if I can find a possible other cause for the multiple notifications by my Homey.


I’ve been having problems with the P2000 app. It keeps crashing and i don’t know why?

I have the same with Whatsapp app.

So is it a P2000 problem when it happens with multiple apps? Possibly your memory is full of your HP. Try a reboot of the HP and otherwise unplug it is 11 min.

Restarting doesn’t work, I’ll try to disconnect it from the power for a few minutes tonight.

In any case, memory is not full

Just received a message through P2000:

P 2 Hoogwateralarm (Niv.1 code geel) MCC Prins Bisschopsingel Maastricht
1005998Monitorcode / Brandweer / Meldkamer Limburg
1004902ROvD inzet IM ROT / Brandweer / Limburg-Zuid
1004401OvD Bevolkingszorg (Westelijke Mijnstreek Maastricht) / Veiligheidsregio / Limburg-Zuid
1003501OvD Bevolkingszorg (Westelijke Mijnstreek Sittard) / Veiligheidsregio / Limburg-Zuid
1033002Calamiteitencoordinator / Politie / Limburg-Zuid

In my timeline (notify) appears this alert (based on the next p2000-vars:
(tijd+sec)(prio)(dienst)(stad)(straat) voor (categorie). (datum)

17:53:52u (Prio 2) Brandweer Maastricht, Prins Bisschopsingel voor Brandweer naar 112 melding. (08-02-2024).

Apparently two essential elements are being skipped:

  • the specific “Hoogwateralarm (Niv.1 code geel)”
  • and the location "MCC (Meld- en Coördinatiecentrum) ", located at the Prins Bisschopssingel.

Is there something to adjust in the category, so this information stays intact in future alerts?

So a PTP, (pull the plug) Turn of the power for at least 11 minutes.

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You have put your own sequence of the notification you want to receive. However, nowhere do I see “P2000” or the token “Melding” appearing in your notification.

This you wil get when you used the token P2000 in your notifications.

I didn’t use the “melding”, because that results in a long story (too long for my usecase). And the reason I didn’t use “p2000” was, that I wanted a specific sequence, which serves my usecase.

I’ll put in the “p2000” for now, because I don’t want to miss the essential parts.

But maybe it’s possible to break up everything from “p2000” in separate blocks (which is the case now for region, city, street, priority, emergency-service etc) to also catch things like “Hoogwateralarm (Niv.1 code geel) MCC” in a var?

This way one can create a message that suites the preferred sequence.


Just got a grip1 melding for “wateroverlast”:
13:40:07 # P 1 BRT-01 (GRIP 1) Wateroverlast (gezagvoerder drone) Vondelingenweg 2,0 Vondelingenplaat Rdam 171692

In this case the variabele “straat” gave “onbekend”, while the street (Vondelingenweg) is in the alert. It looks like the database isn’t familiar with the industrial terrain Vondelingenplaat. (Google Maps)

In this case also the variabele “stad” gave “onbekend”, probably while the city Rotterdam is mentioned as RDAM in the alert.

@Koert_Walraven FYI, we don’t maintain the database, that is done by p2000.page. If the street is not in the reponse we’re not passing it trough to Homey.

So if you see any wrong data there it’s because of the external API