[APP][Pro][Cloud] P2000 for Homey (Dutch 112 (911) alerts

Yes, but you can ignore it.
For now.


:sparkles: Update 4.2.5

New test version!


  • At the request of @Seinuh a extra token for incident location Google Maps URL.

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - P2000 - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email and issues in the input field to make it easier)

nice work @LRvdLinden :fire::fire_engine::rotating_light::+1:

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And now you can :world_map: :arrow_left::red_car::dash:

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:sparkles: Update 4.3.0

New test version!


  • websocket close error (app crash fixt)
  • Space in Google Maps URL in street name and city. cc/ @Seinuh

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - P2000 - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email and issues in the input field to make it easier)

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Good job @LRvdLinden ! tested and it works well now :fire::+1:

Thanks man! @martijnpoppen made the websocket fix :pray:t2:


@martijnpoppen :fire::fire::+1::+1:


:bulb: For those who like to use the map location, but doesn’t want to include the full URL in the notification:
The test version of the Telegram app support hyperlinks (by enabling MarkdownV2 in the settings).
Add [Maps link](URL tag) (include all the brackets) and it will show the text with the URL as a link!



Edit: included images


What do you mean full url (screenshot) ?

I’m using also telegram

In the example above the full URL would be https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=Nieuwe%20Parklaan%2CDen%20Haag
I believe it looks messy, hence I looked for an alternative.

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adjusted, super tight now :rotating_light::+1:


I was getting some errors in the Telegram app in combination with the MarkdownV2 settings . It appears that the - character is causing issues.
Hence, I changed the setting to HTML and altered my flowcard to this.


So far promising :slight_smile:



@MrBlue! For me, it is not doable to build it into the app. Every messaging service handles a url differently. Thanks for your tip, so people can make it tighter.


A nice alternative would be using BetterLogicLibery that my Telegram app supports.
But a bigger effort to setup.


Since the (re)launch off the app I’ve been using some predefined cities in my flow, but was missing a lot of events in my area since I forgot to include that city or town.
Therefore I changed my flow to get all the events in my region, however that seems to be bigger than expected.

Would it be feasible to create a flowcard to get all the events in a certain range? Like “an event happened within x km from address x”.
To me that would be a massive improvement.

Unfortunately, that’s not going to work. How do you miss notifications when you set a hometown? Every notification has a hometown

Getting the notifications for cities/towns that I included in my flow works fine.
What I meant is that I’m living in a small town. If I would like to receive notifications for everything within a radius of 20km of my hometown, I likely need to include 20+ cities/towns, which feels a bit cumbersome.
So I now included the bigger cities, missing event from the smaller ones.
Curious if there would be a Google API that could list all towns/cities in a certain range.

Sorry for that, but I can’t build it in.