[APP][Pro&Cloud] frient Zigbee App (v2.5.4)

Let me know how I can help. At the moment I have to use my keypad with MQTT via Zigbee2MQTT, and it’s the last thing that’s stopping me being able to use Homey’s zigbee features :slight_smile:


i cant add the smart siren and develco dont have it in their app neither.
Have tried with 5 different sirens. the other stuff works good(sometimes the A and V for the smartplug get crazy when adding them like 23214234 volts, but just remove and try again and then they work)

It seems that the Frient smoke detector are not visible in Heimdall configuration page.
Is it the same for you? :thinking:

I am wondering: In the HOMEY app, should the main switch of the “intelligent smoke detector” be switched to ON or OFF ? Does this make any difference to the possible detection ? I have one detector to ON and the other to OFF.

Thank you.

Hi Kristian.

Unfortunately, we haven’t integrated Develco Products Siren with Homey, however, the frient Smart Siren works great!

Hi David.

With a recent Homey frient app update, we have added a feature, where the user can manually trigger the siren on the Intelligent Smoke/Heat Alarm or Water Leak Detector.

The ON/OFF switch on the main page of the device is responsible for that function, therefore, I am a bit surprised that you mentioned that on some of your devices, you have this switch turned to the ON state.

After turning it to the ON stage - the alarm should trigger a siren instantly.

Could you elaborate on that?

Its the frient i have. I mean that the develco app don’t have the siren(the plugs and sensor i can use your or the develco app, its the same)

I cant get the frient siren to work with the frient app. I have tried a bunch(i have like 10 at home)

Hi again.

Perhaps, you could provide me with serial numbers for the frient Smart Sirens that you’re unable to add within the frient app?

Please contact us on homey@frient.com

That is by design. Heimdall only uses devices with alarm_contact and alarm_motion capabilities. Frient is using alarm_smoke for the state.

I’ve asked if these could be added to the list of supported capabilities:

Meanwhile you can creare a virtual device with alarm_contact capability and use a flow to update the state. These would be recognized by Heimdall. That is how I have it now.

Installed 3 Frient SMZB-120 smoke detectors today and wanted to add them to my Homey, but without any luck.

Installed the Frient app, searched for the smoke detector, it is recognized, but Homey gives a warning that no Homey app has been found, whereas it is installed and adds the smoke detector as a unkown zigbee device. But like this there is no possibility to create a flow and use flow cards from the Frient app, as the Frient app doesn’t see any devices.

I tried re-installing the Frient app, reboot the Homey and reset the ZIgbee network.
After the zigbee reset, I could succesful install my Tuya and Aqara zigbee devices again, just not the Frient smoke detectors.

Does anyone have any clue what could be wrong here?

Hi ReJa.

Does the issue occur with all 3 of your new frient devices?

Perhaps you could provide me with the serial numbers for the devices that you didn’t succeed in adding, so I could check them in our database.

The serial number you can find on the label that is located under the back casing of the SMZB-120.

If you find it more convenient - you can reach us at our e-mail address: homey@frient.com

Good question. As I have experienced the problem with the first device and as it looked like to be an app issue, I have not tried connecting the other ones to Homey. I now tried the other 2 devices and they connect to Homey via the Frient app normally, so it seems to be an issue with only that one device.

Good to know that it is not an app or Homey issue. I will send you the serial number of the faulty device by email.

Thanks for your support.

any timeline on when we can expect the following?

as long as the keypad is not armed through flow 8in the case i do not arm the keypad manually), i can not disarm the keypad and trigger a flow when comming home

We are currently working on the new update for our app on Homey.

It’s hard to say for me exactly when it will be ready, but it should be done rather fast.

Stay tuned!


Hi ,

At what voltage do you get at the smoke detectors that the battery needs to be replaced?

I now get a signal that the battery needs to be replaced.
The battery has 2.8 volts when measuring and in homey the battery is shown as full and also has a flow for low battery notification ,however that doesn’t work?


For our Intelligent Smoke Alarm, the battery shall be considered low when the level drops below 2.8V.

When this happens - you should see the notification in your Homey system.

Thank you for your response!

But unfortunately this does not happen.
Even now that I have removed the battery, it remains visible in homey with the battery status full?
In the beginning when i removed the battery I recieved a message that the smoke detector has left the zibee network that also doesn’t happen anymore.
In this way the battery function has no added value

Hi again.

The problem you describe sounds like a range issue.

Perhaps, you could try moving the Smoke Alarm closer to the gateway, and see if it changes anything?

Having issues pairing one water leak sensor FLSZB-110, I have sent you two diag-reports related to the issue.

  1. Where “Something went wrong while adding…”
  2. Where it pairs up, but is unable to read everything from the device.
    Cannot destructure property 'primarySwVersion' of '(intermediate value)' as it is undefined.

Should be noted, that alarm_water does trigger the device and flows work, however the device is in error due to this issue.

And as it happens, I finally got the last one paired in the end after several retries. I lost count on how many tries.