[APP][Pro&Cloud] frient Zigbee App (v2.4.5)


The keypad appears on that list because it has a tamper protection sensor.

There is no need to set any of these settings for a keypad, but if you want to include the tamper sensor in your system - just do it as with other devices.

I am sorry but this update is an absolute embarrassment to the product and to your company. Its not just about providing added functionality with a 3rd party app, but in this case it seems that basic functionality is dependent on a 3rd party app (Heimdall). Why on earth would you make basic functionality such as adding multiple users dependent on a 3rd party app? Any self respecting company would have such a basic feature supported by their own software for the product. Could you image Apple releasing a keypad and employing such convoluted means dependent on 3rd parties? Also locking and unlocking a smart lock the way you describe is dependent on Heimdall. Again this should be supported by your own software.

Many users will have no interest in Heimdall and should not be forced to use it to enable basic functionality for the keypad (such as adding multiple users and use with smart locks as described). Secondly, even if users are willing to jump through hoops and install Heimdall, users like myself canā€™t as Heimdall only supports Homey pro when I have Homey bridge. Prior to buying the keypad, I was told by your sales team that they keypad would be fully supported by Homey bridge. Again, I am lacking basic functionality that I would expect of the product. I purchased this for use with a smart lock and it is absolutely useless as it lacks basic functionality and is not fit for purpose.

When will you be releasing your own software to provide basic functionality (as I described) without the use of 3rd party apps such as Heimdall?


I understand your points, however, as mentioned - integration with Heimdall was requested by most users, and therefore, we have focused on that primarily.

Now, since this integration has been done, we will implement these two features in a standalone, mode (therefore, without a need to use any other app than ours):

  1. Possibility to change the Keypadā€™s mode via THEN flow in standalone mode, meaning ā€“ without Heimdall.

  2. Also in the local mode - possibility to have flows that will react to events instead of change, therefore, for example, when the alarm is already disarmed and you ā€œdisarmā€ it again - it shall perform the same action.

Expect the update soon.

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Thank you for confirming a proposed update to address some of these issues. You say ā€œsoonā€ - what is the expected timeframe for release? Are we talking days, weeks, months, years?

I would expect it to be released next week, but that might be prolonged if we encounter any issues on the way.

Iā€™ll keep you updated here.

I do have several smoke detectors, one has several false alarms. (once a month for the last three months) they are running firmware 4.0.2 and hardware version 5.0.2.
On the Frient website I found a version 4.0.8.
Anybody experience with updating trough Homey and would this, possible, solve the false alarms?

Since yesterday the integration with Heimdall stopped working. I did reset the keypad and turned integration on again. Al settings are unchanged in Heimdall.
Keypad is not responding to Tags and/or codes.
Update: new tags are not received by Heimdall. When turning on the Alam through Heimdall, the keypad does respond. So far it seems like a one way stream. Just removed the keyboard and re-add it, doesnā€™t make a dent. For now Iā€™ve put the keypad in standalone mode, which works well but lost all of my rfc tags :sob:

I have the same, but I tried to install heimdall app with homey cli and after I restart frient app it works - GitHub - daneedk/com.uc.heimdall: Heimdall for Homey

Tried this many times, looks like the frient update broke the just new introduced Heimdall integration.

Hi. Yes, thatā€™s a mistake on my side, Iā€™m sorry for the inconvenience. Itā€™s fixed now and live. Install the 2.4.2 update if you donā€™t have it set to automatic updates, and it shall work again.

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Thank you! Everything seems to be working again.

Hello frient,

On my post you said:
"With the update weā€™re releasing, it will be possible to automate it even more and give users much more flexibility (as this was the most frequent request).ā€ and ā€œWith the update, weā€™re currently releasing youā€™ll be able to do as you described, as youā€™ll be able to automatically arm the Keypad immediately after disarming.ā€
Now, I understand that your new released version implemented these features ONLY with Heimdall??? Please be more clear when stating comments because your are inducinpeople into a wrong understanding of your product features.
Now I still have your keypad (costs me 80ā‚¬) useless and left asideā€¦ unless you force me to buy Heimdall product.
I am still very disappointed with your statements and still waiting for your release to make work your keypad (i donā€™t called it ā€œintelligentā€ as itā€™s clearly not at this stage). Thanks to keep us posted the new release.
One of the unhappy customer of youproduct.

Just a note, since I you wrote:

(ā€¦) unless you force me to buy Heimdall product.

Heimdall is a free app to install on Homey, so there is nothing to buy. There is no associated hardware with it, just the free app:

Everyone I know that is using Homey as alarm system does it by using this fantastic app.

With that said, regular flow cards for the keypad would be great :innocent:

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unless you force me to buy Heimdall product.

itā€™s a free app what are you talking about

Heimdall only works with Homey pro and not Bridge. The only reason I bought the keypad is for use with a smart lock. I donā€™t care about other automations. I am certainly not going to spend a large amount of money on Homey pro just for basic functionality with the Keypad for smart lock use. Having to use a 3rd party app for basic functionality is just ridiculous. I relied on the representations on the frient website when buying this product for use with a smart lock. At present the keypad is useless for this function. Thats not just my opinion, but also the opinion of other users on here that have been articulated.

It really is a disgrace and false advertising.

Heimdall only works with Homey pro and not Bridge. The only reason I bought the keypad is for use with a smart lock. I donā€™t care about other automations. I am certainly not going to spend a large amount of money on Homey pro just for basic functionality with the Keypad for smart lock use. Having to use a 3rd party app for basic functionality is just ridiculous. I relied on the representations on the frient website when buying this product for use with a smart lock. At present the keypad is useless for this function. Thats not just my opinion, but also the opinion of other users on here that have been articulated.

It really is a disgrace and false advertising. Users have been waiting more than a year for them to fulfil basic functionality.

I got the MOSZB-140 Motion Sensor Pro.
I want to make an flow.
When thereā€™s motion and lux lvl is below 10 then light on.
But I can create it because AND thereā€™s no lux function.


Please do as follows:

  1. Create a Yes/No variable, and call it for example ā€œLux level below 10?ā€.

  2. Create these flows:

The LED ring is an example of the light here.

There is an easier (single) flow solution (without the use of a variable), using a logic card and the luminance tag from the motion sensor.
When: The motion alarm turned on
And: Logic card, Number is less than Number. In the first Number, select the # luminance tag from the motion sensor and add the level 10 to the second number (comparator)

This approach you can use also for other numeric capabilities.
Then: execute your action.


Hi all,

Iā€™m having difficulties adding the frient Smart Button to Homey.
(sorry, screenshots below are in Dutch)

Iā€™ve done the reset described here many many times to no avail.

Then it seems like itā€™s finding the sensor, but this always takes a good while.

Then eventually trying to add the button ends with this message every time.

Iā€™ve tried literally everything I can think of: restarting homey, unplugging homey for a while, doing the ā€œdownload full software updateā€ reset thingy, unplugging the battery of the sensor, removing and adding other devices, ā€¦

But I just cannot get this Smart Button to join my Zigbee network.

Not sure if any of this matters but:

  • Iā€™m on Homey pro 2019 (the white ball).
  • I have 3 other frient devices that were added very easily and work perfectly (2 smoke detectors and a door sensor).
  • I know Iā€™m past the theoretical limit of Zigbee devices for my Homey (currently at 65 without the button). But Iā€™ve had almost no Zigbee problems ever, the network here is super stable, other brands (I tested Aqara and Ikea specifically) are still joinable without a hitch and I have a good amount of routers.
  • I thought I bought the smart button, and the packaging also says ā€œSmart Buttonā€, but weirdly on the back the model number seems to indicate itā€™s the panic button (PBTZB-110 instead of the expected SBTZB-110):
  • Because of the above I also tried adding this sensor as a Panic Button. There the instructions for adding seem wildly different, but the process fails in exactly the same way (taking a good while for adding and then saying the device couldnā€™t be added).
  • Iā€™ve also tried following the instructions in the manual of the Smart Button to the letter, but no help.

Somebody who sees what Iā€™m missing?
Ideas for anything else I could try?

Thanks for the help!