[APP][Pro&Cloud] frient Zigbee App (v2.4.5)


At the moment, we have finished working on an update that integrates Intelligent Keypad with the Heimdall app - as this was the most requested feature.

The next step on our to-do list regarding this device is to implement an option that will allow us to change the keypad’s modes via flows without the need for any other app than ours.

However, all that + plus the features you described are already implemented with the “works with Heimdall” update, and once it’s public, you can use all the functions you mentioned by using the device together with a Heimdall app.

That is so disappointing and I feel like I have been mis-sold the keypad. Prior to purchase I emailed your sales team and asked specifically about using the keypad with a smart lock. I was told that this was fully supported. On your website you even insinuate that the keypad supports smart locks. One such statement is:

“connect it with your smart door lock via a compatible hub”

Another statement reads:

“Enter your pin code - Keypad tells your smart door lock to let you in - enter your home”

The reality is that this keypad is practically useless for use with a smart lock as myself, Moustique Maison and many other users have articulated.

I don’t use Heimdall and have no interest in it. My only reason for buying this keypad was for use with a smart lock. Why focus on this Heimdall integration over fixing the issues I and others have articulated with regards to smart locks? Heimdall integration is not mentioned on your website, whereas support for smart locks is. At present you are engaged in false advertising. Surely that’s where your priority should rest?

Please stop the false advertising and remove all reference to use with a smart lock on your website.

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Yes, you can use the Intelligent Keypad with your Smart Lock.

“Enter your pin code - Keypad tells your smart door lock to let yo in - enter your home”

Since the beginning when the device has been integrated with Homey - you can easily create a flow unlocking or locking your smart door lock based on the keypad’s mode.

As I mentioned in my previous post - at the moment, we integrated it with Heimdall as many users were asking for it.

The Heimdall app is free to download to your Homey.

Now, we will focus on implementing features such as handling multiple pin-codes and changing modes on the keypad remotely via flows in a standalone operational mode.

If you need assistance with setting your smart door lock with Intelligent Keypad - please reach to us directly at homey@frient.com.

We’re always happy to help our customers, and we will surely come up with different automation ideas.

Please don’t play stupid. You are well aware of the issue that myself and other users such as Moustique Maison have articulated. Of course I have reached out to you directly and your support are fully aware of the issues articulated. An update was pledged within “weeks” to address this, but nothing.

Please stop the false advertising. I am pretty angry about this and now feel I have no option but to start leaving negative public reviews.


Please describe what exactly is your use case, and let me help you with setting it up.

It is then a false advertisement on your product description. I relied on your product description to buy this keypad to control my smartdoor but it doesn’t work as it is described.
I give you an example:
everybody’s out in my home and the door is locked. I come home, use the keypad to unlock the door and enter in my home. My son arrives 2 hours later, enter the pin and press the unlock button on your keypad… but it doesn’t unlock the door. How can he unlock the door? It doesn’t control at all the smartdoor. If I knew this problem (or you mention it correctly in your product description) before purchasing your keypad, I would never have bought it. This is a real basic feature that all expect to have it at the beginning. I never saw Heimdall users complaining the bad integration with your keypad but you rather prioritize this integration first instead of taking into account real users complains about a basic feature…
Will you refund my purchase?


In order to switch to “Disarmed” mode and open the door, the device needs to be in “Armed” mode.

It’s not possible to disarm an already disarmed alarm system.

With the update, we’re currently releasing you’ll be able to do as you described, as you’ll be able to automatically arm the Keypad immediately after disarming.

Please reach out to us when the update is live if you need assistance.

Regarding refunds - please contact the distributor you have purchased the device from.

You said:
“In order to switch to “Disarmed” mode and open the door, the device needs to be in “Armed” mode.
It’s not possible to disarm an already disarmed alarm system.”

I fully understand that this is a correct behavior for an ALARM system and I agree with you. As you state, “…It’s not possible to disarm an already disarmed alarm system”

But your keypad is described as compatible with a smartdoor system… and this is NOT at all compatible with a smartdoor system.

Which update are you currently releasing (version number?). Is the one integrated with Heimdall or another one? Because if the version you are referring to is the one only integrated with Heimdall, then that’s useless. Please clarify. Thanks.

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I completely agree with Moustique Maison. For the reasons articulated this is not at present compatible with a smart door lock system. It lacks basic functionality and is not fit for purpose in accordance with consumer law. It is not a feature request, but basic functionality.

The fact that you say you prioritised Heimdall compatibility due to the amount of feature requests received is immaterial. Your number one priority should be ensuring that you comply with basic consumer law. Prioritising Hemdall compatibility does not mitigate your obligations under consume law. As it stands, your product is unfit for purpose when used with a smart lock system. You are engaged in false advertising, by inducing consumers to buy a product by false representations.

I am going to take this matter further. Please immediately remove all public representations that this product is compatible with a smart door lock system.

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The device is primarily an alarm system control panel.

Yes, you can use it for opening or closing your smart door lock.

The logic device operates on is simple, as for each of its 4 modes you can perform a series of actions on change.

Therefore, you can lock the smart door lock when the mode changes to “Armed”, and unlock it when the mode changes to “Disarmed”.

With the update we’re releasing, it will be possible to automate it even more and give users much more flexibility (as this was the most frequent request).

In future updates, we will still be expanding the functionalities.

I’m sorry if the device doesn’t fit your use case.

I completely agree with Moustique Maison. For the reasons articulated this is not at present compatible with a smart door lock system. It lacks basic functionality and is not fit for purpose in accordance with consumer law. It is not a feature request, but basic functionality.

The fact that you say you prioritised Heimdall compatibility due to the amount of feature requests received is immaterial. Your number one priority should be ensuring that you comply with basic consumer law. Prioritising Hemdall compatibility does not mitigate your obligations under consume law. As it stands, your product is unfit for purpose when used with a smart lock system. You are engaged in false advertising, by inducing consumers to buy a product by false representations.

I am going to take this matter further. Please immediately remove all public representations that this product is compatible with a smart door lock system.

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts - please describe what exactly is that you’re trying to do, so I can come up with some ideas.

If you don’t specify it - I’m afraid I can’t help you with a setup.

That is immaterial to the points made. You advertise this as compatible with smart door lock systems. As it stands it is not compatible in accordance with any interpretation of consumer law.

You can pretend the item is compatible with smart door lock systems. But as it stands it is unfit for purpose. I can’t think of a single court that would construe otherwise under consumer law. It lacks basic functionality and is unfit for purpose.

Furthermore, when I first bought this issue to your attention, I was promised an update within weeks to address this. Yet nothing. The fact that you say you prioritised Heimdall compatibility due to the amount of feature requests received is immaterial. Your number one priority should be ensuring that you comply with basic consumer law. Prioritising Hemdall compatibility does not mitigate your obligations under consumer law. As it stands, your product is unfit for purpose when used with a smart lock system. You are engaged in false advertising, by inducing consumers to buy a product by false representations.

Please don’t play stupid. I am not going to keep repeating myself. Read the comments in this threat by Moustique Maison and myself. Moustique Maison gave you an example just a few posts above, to which you had no solution. The only "solution you had was a “future update”. Based on your track record, I have no confidence that this “future update” will arrive within a reasonable time.

As it stands this product lacks basic functionality for use with a smart lock system and is unfit for purpose in accordance with consumer law.

I’m sorry, but since you haven’t described what you’re trying to achieve with the device - I’m unable to help.

As I mentioned - if you consider the product faulty - please reach out to your distributor.

I’m sorry for your negative experience with the device.


you mentioned:
“Therefore, you can lock the smart door lock when the mode changes to “Armed”, and unlock it when the mode changes to “Disarmed””
Yes, this is valid if you are the only one person using the the keypad with the smartdoor system (I lock when I go out… and I unlock when I go in… like an alarm system). For a family (more than one person) using the smartdoor with your keypad, it’s not useful at all (I unlock to go in… and my son comes later, unlock to go in…AGGG he can’t unlock to go in because nobody locked the keypad again :slight_smile: Ohhhh ok, I forgot to go out again and lock the keypad… then how can I go in again? If I go in by unlocking the keypad, nobody can unlock it after me. humm).

I’m glad to hear that you are releasing a new version which fits such basic feature… you mentioned:
“With the update we’re releasing, it will be possible to automate it even more and give users much more flexibility (as this was the most frequent request).” and “With the update, we’re currently releasing you’ll be able to do as you described, as you’ll be able to automatically arm the Keypad immediately after disarming.”

Thanks to inform us the date of this release and the version number, so I can check on my Homey app.

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I noticed the new app was released yesterday, and adding it to my existing Heimdall setup worked like a charm :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Since Heimdall only supports 3 modes (off, full and partial) and keypad supports 4 modes (off, full, day, night) it looks like both day and night modes of the keypad is mapped to partial in Heimdall…?

Glad to hear!

Yes, at the moment Heimdall supports only three modes, however, we’ll ask them to include the “Night” mode as well :slight_smile:

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frient update v2.4.0 - Intelligent Keypad’s integration with Heimdall

Integration features

  1. By changing the Heimdall surveillance modes in the app or via a flow – the Intelligent Keypad mode will follow and change accordingly, allowing you to remotely manipulate the device’s state.


  2. When physically changing the Intelligent Keypad modes, the Heimdall surveillance modes will change accordingly.

  3. Now, in Heimdall app settings, you can create multiple users who intend to use the Intelligent Keypad and for each of them assign a specific PIN code and RFID tag.



  4. No need to manually type in the RFID tag number – you can scan it with the device, and automatically assign it to the selected user in Heimdall app settings.

  5. Track what happens with your Intelligent Keypad and your home in the Heimdall dashboard overview.

  6. Integration with Heimdall brings major flexibility when using Homey flows, allowing you to automate your system fully.

    You can see automation examples at the end of the post

Getting started

Installing Heimdall app

The first step is to install the latest release of the Heimdall app for Homey.

The integration with frient starts with the Heimdall version 2.10.14.

You can find the Heimdall app by going to the Homey App Store and searching for “Heimdall”.

The next step is to install the app, by clicking on “Install App”, logging in, and selecting your Homey device.

Installing the frient app

The next step is to install the latest release of the frient app for Homey. In Homey App Store, search for frient, and install the app on your Homey device.

The integration with Heimdall starts with the frient app version 2.4.0.

Setting the Intelligent Keypad to work with Heimdall

Once both apps have been installed – pair the device with your Homey and go to the device’s “Settings” and “Advanced Settings”.

In there, toggle the “Integrate with Heimdall” to “Yes”.

Please note that now the device will work only with Heimdall, therefore it won’t be possible to use it in local mode.

To switch back to local mode – simply turn off the Heimdall integration switch.

Now, add a new device by clicking on the plus symbol, select Heimdall as a manufacturer, and add both – “Alarm” and “Mode” components.

When done, you will see the “Surveillance” object in your Homey dashboard. This is a control panel for your Heimdall system.

Changing the modes there will cause the mode to change on your Intelligent Keypad, and vice versa (with a valid PIN code and/or RFID tag).

Adding new user(s) and assigning PIN codes to them

In your Homey app, simply click on three dots in the bottom right corner, select “Apps”, find the Heimdall app, and click on it.

Next, click on the gear icon in the top right corner, and go to “App Settings” – you should now see the Heimdall dashboard overview.

Select the tab called “Users” and click on the “+ Add user” button at the bottom.

Fill in the username and assign a PIN code for the user – when done click Save.

This PIN code will now allow the user you just added to change the modes on the device.

As an admin, you will be able to see in the dashboard overview when this user interacts with the device or the Heimdall system.

Assigning RFID tags to each user

To assign an RFID tag for a specific user, you don’t have to manually type in the number.

Instead, you can follow this guide:

  1. From your Homey devices overview, select Intelligent Keypad, click on the gear icon in the top right corner, and select “Maintenance”:

  2. In here, simply click on “Add RFID tag” button:

  3. Apply the desired RFID tag onto the surface in the middle of your device, and when you hear a beep click on the “Arm all” button, as shown below:

  4. Now head back to your Heimdall app settings, go to “Users”, select the user you wish the RFID tag to be assigned to, and you should see the following pop-up window – click “Ok”:

  5. The RFID tag has been successfully assigned to the selected user:

Setting up devices within alarm modes

With the Heimdall app and frient devices, you can easily select in which alarm modes the devices will trigger an alarm.

To do that, simply go to your Heimdall app settings, go to “Devices”, and select “Settings”.

Here you can customize each device and its role in your system:

“Log” – you can use it to collect readings from the sensor which later you can see in your Heimdall dashboard overview.

“Full” – stands for assigning the sensor to an “Armed” mode.

“Partial” – you use for assigning the sensor to trigger in a “Partially armed” mode.

“Delay” – adds additional delay which you can customize in Heimdall’s main app settings before the sensor triggers the alarm.


Automation examples

Changing modes remotely via flow


Locking smart lock with Intelligent Keypad & Heimdall

Unlocking smart lock with Intelligent Keypad & Heimdall

Important note:

Even if the mode is already “Disarmed”, disarming it again will result in the same action you choose (e.g. door unlock).



In which mode should the keypad be? Log/full, none?