[APP][Pro] Chronograph - Adds precise timer, stopwatch and transition functionality to Homey

Yes sorry.
You can however use a flowcard from the Device Capabilities app to search for items within flows.

How do transitions work? They don’t seem to be doing anything. When I start a transition, all that is happening is the countdown starts, it does not appear to step.

I want to use it to dim some lights, but for now I just need it to start counting steps as it is not doing anything.

1st: never use a tag or variable as Transition name. Just enter a name in the ‘Pick’ field, en then select the name popped up in the black dropdown.
Next, save the flow.
This way you:
Create the new transition
You are certain you don’t use an existing transition by accident.

2nd: you’ll need to update f.i. a dim value of a light, using the card WHEN “Transition Y reached a step”.
You"d select the transition’s name from the ‘Pick’ field dropdown.

As dimvalue tag of that light, select the local tag [Transitionvalue]

Flow example:

I’ve an advanced flow which gives me a notification if the humidity of a flower gets below a certain number. I’ve several thresholds and all with the same timer. This works for a long time, but some time ago, the timer and notification only works on one threshold.
Is there anything changed which might cause this issue?
Is the only solution to create separete timers?

I’d like to recommend to use separate timers.

Why do you have the option to use a tag if you should never use it?

I understand that I have to use the card for when transition reached a step in order to dim the light. But first I just wanted to make the variable change before continuing.

I was looking at these flows but I didn’t understand how the Transition was changing the variable “Transitionvalue”, it didn’t make any sense to me. But now that you’re telling me it’s a local value that is auto generated it makes a lot more sense and it is in fact working now, thank you!

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You’d ask Athom: homey.app/support . It works with some cards, but no clue which ones.


Ah yes, that’s some variable / tag knowledge.
The confusing part, they appear exactly the same unfortunately, but:

  • Variables: user created ‘data storage’

  • Tags: variables supplied and managed by apps and devices

  • Certain trigger cards could provide for ‘local/flow tags’ (existing only in the flow), which you can use in other flow cards.
    In a flowcard, when hitting the tag icon to add a tag or variable,
    they always appear on top of the dropdown.
    In Advanced Flow, make sure the cards are connected before proceeding.

For additional info, lookup “logic” @ support.homey.app

And to confuse things even more:
In homeyscript users can create tags which can be used in flows as well;
But if you look at scripts as a device, it makes a bit more sense.
(variables can be created as well, but that’s very complicated, to me).

I must be doing something wrong.

I have created a timer so that I can use the pick function to select the same timer on both the “start the timer” flow and the “trigger action” flow.

What I am trying to do is communicate with a device that only exists in HomeKit. My intention is to surface a virtual switch from Homey to HomeKit with the HomeKit experiment and then have a rule in homekit that adjusts the value of the HomeKit only device. The trigger for this to happen is my laundry being done.

I created this flow to setup a 5 second trigger:

This works very nicely. It starts the specified timer. I have verified by looking at the configuration of the chronograph app. The timer starts and is an active timer, then after 5 seconds it stops and has a time beside it of when it last ended.
And the virtual device is turned on. I can verify this on the devices page.

What doesn’t appear to be working is this flow:

If I right click on the When trigger and say “test from here”, the flow works and truns off the virtual device. But when I test the initial flow, this flow doesn’t get triggered.

Am I doing something wrong with this second flow?
Is there a limitation where the flow testing doesn’t have the results of one flow trigger another flow? And maybe this would work fine in the real world as opposed to the testing world?

I originally had both of these flows combined, but the second half didn’t trigger then either.

Why you are using the “duration” card and not the “timer stopped” card. (Google translation)

This simply does not work in “testing” mode.

Just test the flow by starting the timer using a virtual switch or such.
Add a start button, connect it with the “start timer Y” card;
Next, right-click the flow name, and tap “Start”

The timer trigger card should be set to “1 seconds” at least, I’m sure “0 seconds” never triggers.
And, just use a “When timer Y has finished” card, to have it trigger when the timer is finished counting down.

“When timer Y stopped” won’t work when you want it to trigger when the timer finishes counting down

@Greg_Veres sorry.

It’s not the “timer stopped” card but the "timer xyz is finish” card.

@Peter_Kawa @Theo_de_Koning
Thank you for the information. I know have it working.

I didn’t realize that hitting 0 would never happen.
But in the end, I changed it to the timer is finished card and added a virtual device for testing and everything worked great.

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Hi all!

I tried to search if somebody else encountered the same issue, but I found nothing. I have the following issue: the steps of the transition is only 8 steps and not higher. What is causing this issue?

I added a log to output some messages on the timelime. It only shows 8 messages. But as you can see we configured more then 8 steps in two seconds.

@Bart_Schriever I think that is what you want is impossible.
The light should go fro 0% to 100% in 2 seconds. I think there is no way to do that 100 steps in 2 seconds.
So every 0,02 second 1 step.
Or do you mean 2 minutes?

I do think it is a little bit too much for what I want. But I this flow is that if a button is hold then I activate this dimming flow based on the transitionValue. But that value only changed 8 times. I hoped it would be more than 8. Because I can dim the light from 0% to 100%. So 100 steps was fine in my idea.

@Bart_Schriever As far as i know this card is only used for an automatic transition.
If you start the flow, for example, with a specific time, then the transition goes atomaticly by the numbers that you have enterd in this card.
So with your card the transition goes from 0% to 100% in 2 seconds with 100 steps.

I use this card for a wake-up light. 25 steps in 15 minutes from 0.1 to 1. (0.1% to 100%)
For dimming the light by holding a button you need another card.

Or maybe start this card by holding the button and stop the transition with release the button.
Don’t know if this wil work. Maybe make the time 8 seconds with 10 steps.

@Bart_Schriever and @Mike1233

Indeed, Chronograph will try to execute all steps, but its guideline, is the total duration (thus endtime). Everytime the backgroundscript thats runs the transition is executed, it wil recalculate and put itself into the queue again.

But 100 times in 2 seconds? Thats just way to fast for Homey.
It will make sure the total duration is respected and the transitionsteps that are executed, are in a straight line/value.
It however, wil not make sure the number pf steps are executed, becuase, if homey would be to slow, that could massively increase the total duration.

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So that means that the maximum steps for two seconds is 8 steps? I understand that 100 steps in two minutes is way to much. But I hoped a little more steps where possible in two seconds

There is no theoretical limit of steps.
It will try to execute as many as possible within the timeframe.
But apparently, your homey has just enough resources to execute the steps 8 times.
Ill check later, but afaik, its not limited to 4times per second or anything.

Hi All,

I getting a bit desperate as the app keeps crashing the last month. Any ideas?

Model: Homey Pro (Early 2023)
Software Homey: 12.3.1
Chronograph: v2.1.2

I have done much changing with homey in 2025 yet. I haven’t been home in Jan and when I was back I saw the app keeps crashing.