[APP][Pro] Chronograph - Adds precise timer, stopwatch and transition functionality to Homey

Hi there!
I started to use Chronograph app a while ago only using Timers. Very handy, but recently I ran into a problem.
In short, is it possible that a running stopwatch affects the execution of a in parallel running timer?

I have some flows which are triggered upon the end of a timer. But recently the execution of those flows stopped working, I.e. the end of a timer does not trigger the flow. I did a lot of trial and errors but ended up realizing that a running stopwatch refuses to let the trigger be executed. The stopwatch is used for something different I tried. Once I stop the stopwatch, the affected flow triggered by „timer has ended“ flow card immediately starts to run. It‘s like the flow card is waiting for the stopwatch to end.
Anyone else had that problem?

Thanks in advance!

Well, obviously this should not be the case.
But on the other hand, the execution, handling and firing of effects/cards of chronographs (timers, transitions, stopwatches) are linked together.
In the sense that, every second (and upon completion of a chronograph it increases, but ill refrain from going into the technical details), the chronographs are ittirated and checked if (flowcard) executions are needed.
Afaik, “crashing” handlers should not effect any other executions, there are quite some error handlers in place for that.

But on the other hand, based on your post, thats all i can think about.
Unfortunately (and yeah, for me right now very fortunately) i am baking in the sun of Lanzarote, without a laptop, pc, or Homey, so, (sorry for you :wink:), i cannot do anything about it atm or check it.

Can you create a supportticket?
Than i can pick it up in about 2 weeks, when i am either very brown (or red) :rofl:.

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Hello @Arie_J_Godschalk

Thanks for the quick reply and first insights. I think I get what you’re saying. For now, I found an alternative way for my use case without using stopwatches and timer at the same time.
I will have a look at how to make a ticket.

Enjoy your summer vacation and don’t forget about the sun protection! :sunglasses:

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Hi @Arie_J_Godschalk !
I have a transition configured to run for 18 days, from 0 to 18 in 19 steps.
So expecting it to trigger the “Transition has reached a step” every day.
It worked the first (start day, first step) and second day, but after that no more triggering.
Day three I upgraded the Homey, could this have caused any problem?
I do not think that because before I had the same flow but with another name on the Transition. It also stopped to trigger “Reach step” card so I changed the name just for test.

I have added a card that sends a message to me at every “Reach a step” for test purpose. I am not having any issues with that part as I use it for many other notifications daily.

One more thing.
Every hour I retrieve the duration/elapsed time, maybe this has any affect?

In my flow above “Kombucha-start-new” = 18.

@Anders_Gregow Did you reset the Homey after the opdate? Sometimes that will help. Or did you try to reset the app?

Why does a card gives an error instead of a false when a countdown is not running anymore?

None of them.
I had this problem before the Homey upgrade, using another name for the transition.
During that test there was no upgrade of neither Homey nor the Chronograph app.

I have started a test with two different transitions with the same settings (but the name).
At every step I am sending a push notification using Homeys built in push.

Every hour a call is made to get the duration of one of the transitions, but not the other.
Maybe this will give a clue.

I have had transitions running without problems before, but never called the get-duration card.

Hi Arie, thanks for this great app. I have been using it for quite some time. Since today, I get an error “invalid time” when starting / replacing some of my stop watches in specific flows. If I change the name of the stop watch it might work for a short time, but then the error comes back. Restarting the app, restarting homey did not solve the problem.
Any ideas?

Im not sure why this was build this way.
But it does make that you can know the difference in flows if its not running.

But why does that flowcard not show a timefield to enter time?

Stopwatch != Timer, Arie :wink:

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Hahha oeps

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Is there a way to find out why a Transition stops trigger the “Transition reached a step” card?
I have added a pushnotis card to the trigger card for test and it never fire anymore. The first 10 days or so it did (it runs for 18 days, 19 steps from 0 to 18) but then suddenly stopped to trigger.
I see that the Transition is still running towards 18 days in the settings page for Chronograph.

Send me a diagnostic?

I was just thinking when to capture the diagnostics. :slight_smile:
I will do it right after the failing reached-a-step next time the missing-trigger occurs (just restarted the transition-timer).

How long is the execution history in the diagnostics? If it is days back I probably have captured the problem.


The reached-a-step should have triggered around 9 o’clock.

Sent you some more diagnostic reports.
43 min before trigg ec8ce561-2738-44b6-84d9-27bb2188cb5a

About a min before 1d4fa233-0a47-4688-a94d-2c1235a4b8ee

Directly after the trigger of reach-a-step should have occurred but didn’t 26032d29-770e-46bb-8c03-380ee29cf921

Hope they will give you a clue.

Is it possible to determine in which flow(s) a certain timer- or stopwatch-name is used ?

Hi Joep

I"ve this script to extract the used Chronograph device names from (standard) flows, but I can’t get the flownames into the output :grimacing:. Maybe someone can help out.

const flowsDic = await Homey.flow.getFlows();
const flows = Object.values(flowsDic)
const actions = flows.map(f => f.actions.filter(a => a.uri === 'homey:app:nl.fellownet.chronograph')).flat()
log(actions.reduce((a,x,y,z) => ({...a, [x.args.name]:x.id.split('_')[0] }), {}))

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