[APP][Pro] Chronograph - Adds precise timer, stopwatch and transition functionality to Homey

For the pick-list in another Chronograph card to come up with your new timer name, you need to:

  1. Save the flow after creating the new timer name
  2. Have the flow enabled.
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Why not use the cards?


Did it of course.

This could be a reason, but I don’t remember.

The Homeyscript changed the used API
Some things have changed:

You’d use ‘get’ instead of ‘apiGet’

The following endpoints on the App class have been renamed.

app.apiGet(path) -> app.get({ path })

Thx Peter

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Hi, I have installed the Chronograph app. I know how to start, pause and stop the stopwatch. But how to read current time from it inside the Flow? There is no anything like “Get elapsed time”, “Get current value” etc card.

Thanks in advance!

Hi, I have installed the Chronograph app. I know how to start, pause and stop the stopwatch. But how to read current time from it inside the Flow? There is no “Get elapsed time” card.

Thanks in advance!

Did you check: [APP][Pro] Chronograph - Adds precise timer, stopwatch and transition functionality to Homey.

Also that forumpost is a better place to ask.

It is visible in the setup of the app. And also available with Advanced flows:


Ok, so I’d like to sum up: the “get” cards are the Advanced Flow only cards. Since I use Homey Pro (Early 2019) I have to buy the Advanced Flow feature to use them.

Thank you for your support!

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Just dropping in to thank you for this awesome app. This app makes a huge difference for managing events that need a certain level stabilization and longer running events.
Its the core now of all event systems in my Homey creating both a stabilizing effect and a service bus type of behavior. Its awesome and makes the entire Homey so much more usefull.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Just worked out a funny idea, but still with a serious question at the end.
Made a traffic light from a 3 Hue spot lamp and 9 timers.
This could go on forever now.
Can Homey handle that if it is a more meaningful project?


Why 9 timers?
A spot is giving the 3 colours and you have 3 traffic-streams

Im not completly sure how to interpreted this question.
Ofc Homey can handle many more timers and lights.
And personally, i never reboot Homey and lights and stuff never failed with my 2019.

Plus, i have (again) switched to the hp2023 last week. And (finally) everything seems to be working perfectly, i havent had anything fail for a week, so i guess i have finally transferred to the HP2023, which means, i can start developing again :grinning:


Every timer has his own flow line.
The last timer call the first timer.
Can that flow so go on forever, was my question.
Because I read that Homey can stop flows that run too often

That, I don’t want to run this flow. :wink:
It’s was a nice test to find things out.

Flows that keep running, and have more than 60 active executions, or to many executions in a second/minute are disabled yeah.
But chronograph doesnt wait when starting a timer, so the previous flow is finished.

So, they should never be disabled no, it should just work, and flows can just keep being started, as long as the running once finish sometimes, which they should.

So, i dont see any issues with the flows you describe.

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Actually, Your timers is the one “big” timer :wink:
From my ( may-be wrong ) point of view the easiest and simplest way is to use only one timer, and based on the reading set the whole crossroad’s state…

  • Timer 0…3 roads A,B “red”, C “green”
  • Timer 3…6 roads A,B,C “yellow”
  • …
  • Timer >30 set timer 0

Also it’s possible to use condition “IF Homey starts” → start timer ( if timer does not store state )

About flows to offten - anyway, Homey is not real-time system ( every move takes own time ) and if You does not cause a infinite loop with possible fork-bomb, then it’s quite hard to hit the limits. Most of hits to limits are caused by coding ( and idea ) errors, not cause of real system limitations. Khmm, at least when system is used, as intended :wink:

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These apps can workaround the “disabling flows” crap:

  • Loops app
  • Advanced Trigger app

Transitions in the Chronograph app has more or less the same functionality as the Loops app.

Advanced triggers are very good indeed to create “function” calls, and to decouple functionality.


Question, how can I remove old timers in Chronograph?

Greets Tom

If they are not used in any flow they will be removed.

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Thank you!

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