[APP][Pro] Casambi Controller - Lighting control for the modern world

Hello from Casambi!

I am Vesa Vainio, a cloud architect at Casambi.

At Casambi, we are delighted that people are building apps and integrations against our APIs.

However, this particular app has had problems in its implementation. It has been opening WebSocket connections at very high frequencies. At peak times we have observed more than 10000 WebSocket connections being opened per minute by using the API key for this app. We understand that the developer’s intention with the current implementation has been reasonable, but there may be some misunderstanding with the life-cycles or callbacks of the application platform.

The WebSocket connections to our API are expected to be long-lived. There is no timeout for them, they can stay open as long as the device or app is active. There should not be any need for a single device or app to open WebSocket connections repeatedly.

Due to this issue, we had to revoke the API key until the implementation has been fixed. We will be happy to enable it again, once the implementation is fixed and in use in the affected devices.

Please also consider a couple of other things. Officially our Cloud API is still in beta. Also, please be aware that our API implements some rate limiting and quotas per API key. In a case where multiple devices using the same API key would be causing heavy load on our system, there may be some throttling. However, with reasonable use of the API, I would not expect to see problems.

We will be happy to support community efforts to build API integrations against our APIs. We are also interested in hearing feedback about our API design, in case you have suggestions on how to improve it.

Best regards,
Vesa Vainio

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