[APP][Pro] Casambi Controller - Lighting control for the modern world

Hi Leon, will you still work on the app though?

Not actively, but when things are broken I will take a look and see if I can fix them easily.
I can also have a look at how difficult it is to implement the color option. I guess that shouldnā€™t be that hard anymore, but I have to many projects at the moment.
Also, I havenā€™t got much feedback from people that are successfully using the app, even though I can see it has been installed 55times.
It is very hard to make a stable implementation, because of all the external dependencies, like old mobile phones, your internet connection and the casambi servers.

Hi @LvanderRee

Zou je willen en kunnen ondersteunen bij het werkend maken van Casambi op de Homey Pro?

Hi, thanks for your work.
I have just received the new Homey pro. Iā€™m currently testing the casambi app. I have occhio lamp, casambi module and a Prolicht track with Entity module. I look for a way to control all of that with google voice.
I hope you will continue to develop this app.
Actuality, all the lamps are recognized in the hommey app but the track with entity module doesnā€™t work.



Unfortunately I am not familiar with the track with entity module.
I actually havenā€™t got any casambi equipment myself, so that is why it is hard for me to implement anything for it. So I am afraid I cannot implement this feature.

I received the new Homey Pro version 2023 today.
Iā€™ve just installed the Casambi controller application. My confirguration goes up well in the JHomey, I see my network, my lamps. But then I canā€™t control them: I canā€™t switch them on. Do others have the same problem?

When I read the comments, I realized what the problem was. In fact, you need to activate a gateway, as Bluetooth access is not possible via the Casambi API. I activated the gateway via my phone and everythingā€™s fine: the application works perfectly. Many thanks for all your hard work :slight_smile:
(and what a pity that Casambi isnā€™t more open in its APIs, as it stands itā€™s still very limited)

Hi Ninja Menu, I do have a Homey Pro too but I canā€™t control my lights via the Homey Pro application. I do see them in my app, just like you did. How did you activate the gateway?

This is done in the casambi application on your phone. Attached are the screens for an iPhone;Bottom left, ā€œMoreā€¦ā€ menu, then ā€œPasserelleā€ then ā€œPasserelle Internetā€ then ā€œCet appareilā€, back twice. Let me know if it works.

Ah, thanks Ninja, thatā€™s the trick :slight_smile:

This app was one of the reasons I recently decided to go for a Homey Pro, and Iā€™m pretty happy so far.

The standard Casambi App IMO isnā€™t very intuitive and doesnā€™t allow for automations outside of the Casambi network.

Iā€™ve setup an old phone as Gateway and since then all ā€˜luminaireā€™ automations have been working flawless.

The only thing Iā€™m missing is the ability to create automations around my ā€˜switchesā€™. Is this something thatā€™s still planned for development in the (near) future?

It would be a great feature to manage all my non-luminair devices using my wall-switches :slight_smile:

Thanks so far @LvanderRee !

hi @Meso

as mentioned before, I myself do not have any Casambi devices. I only build this for my neighbour, and released it for others in the Homey community. I build it using the API documentation, and some debugging via my neighbours casambi network. Iā€™ve implemented websockets to receive events, as described here Casambi | Developer Site However, I did not see any events when my neighbour pushed his wall-switchesā€¦ So if you know what is send over the line, I can add this feature to the app, but my guess is that is might not be implemented in the casambi APIā€¦

Hi, I have to restart the casambi app almost every day in order for it to work and to control casambi lamps. This started about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Does anybody experience the same?

Hi @LvanderRee ,

Iā€™m new to Homey and Casambi and itā€™s not easy to understand the real current situation.
If I understand, on Homey Casambi is only supported with 1 app (ā€œCasambi Controllerā€) on Homey Pro. It works through connection with a Casambi gateway and the official API.


  1. Iā€™ve read in this thread someone could see his Casambi bulbs in your Homey app, while his gateway was not yet activated (he couldnā€™t control them though). How is that possible?
  2. Is granular control possible, like turning on/off or dimming up/down a particular Casambi bulb? On a Home Assistant forum thread Iā€™ve read the official API doesnā€™t make this possible (only through the private API, casambi-bt), but on this Homey forum thread I have the impression it does work!
  3. Is everything normal possible? E.g. when a Zigbee water sensor detect a leak, can I switch on a particular set of Casambi luminaries? Otherwise said: is a normal feature set of Casambi integration possible or is it really limited?


as mentioned before, I myself do not have any Casambi devices. I only build this for my neighbour, and released it for others in the Homey community. I build it using the API documentation, and some debugging via my neighbours casambi network. Iā€™ve implemented websockets to receive events, as described here Casambi | Developer Site

  1. maybe casambi stores the list of devices in there cloud, and returns them on my api call. for controlling them however you need a live feed of course. But this is all up to the internals of the casambi api.
  2. I havenā€™t tested this, but I donā€™t think you can do it via the API. Only by hand going up/down a percent in every step, which will result in many API calls and probably hickups.
  3. The API was at the time I was developing it definitely limiting, For example I couldnā€™t detect when you would press on any remote/buttons; it was not send via the gateway to the API-network-sockets.

@LvanderRee ,
Thank you for the info!

Concerning point 2: Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t understand completely. It is possible to turn on or off or dim up/down a Casambi enabled device through Homey (Casambi Controller app), right? If that Casambi enabled device is 1 bulb/luminary with a dedicated Casambi driver (internal or external), than can you control a particular bulb/luminary, right?
And why should dimming occur per percent? Do you mean itā€™s not possible to dim normally through Homey?

Last, but not least: do I need a dev key to use the Homey Pro app? On HA it is said a dev key is needed, when using an integration that works through the Casambi gateway and the official Cloud API. The dev key should be renewed every 3 months, is not always provided nowadays and is not free anymore (or in the near future). Is this correct and is such a key also needed for use on Homey?


maybe I didnā€™t understood your question regarding granular control correctly. turning on/off and dimming up/down is all possible. But changing the dimming over X time isnā€™t a feature, so can only be done by making a flow that loops for some seconds; sending many API requests to change the dimming to a certain level, which is probably not what you want.

The API key is provided in the app as a hidden secret, so everything should work after you logged in with your own credentials. As long as Casambi does not revoke the key (as apparently has happened last week, but they have restored it again thanks to another user: Jens)

@LvanderRee , thanks!

So normally I should be able to do normal smart home automation, like Zigbee water sensor detects a leak => switch on a certain Casambi device at a certain dim level?

Good to hear the dev key is inside the Homey app! :slight_smile:


Hello from Casambi!

I am Vesa Vainio, a cloud architect at Casambi.

At Casambi, we are delighted that people are building apps and integrations against our APIs.

However, this particular app has had problems in its implementation. It has been opening WebSocket connections at very high frequencies. At peak times we have observed more than 10000 WebSocket connections being opened per minute by using the API key for this app. We understand that the developerā€™s intention with the current implementation has been reasonable, but there may be some misunderstanding with the life-cycles or callbacks of the application platform.

The WebSocket connections to our API are expected to be long-lived. There is no timeout for them, they can stay open as long as the device or app is active. There should not be any need for a single device or app to open WebSocket connections repeatedly.

Due to this issue, we had to revoke the API key until the implementation has been fixed. We will be happy to enable it again, once the implementation is fixed and in use in the affected devices.

Please also consider a couple of other things. Officially our Cloud API is still in beta. Also, please be aware that our API implements some rate limiting and quotas per API key. In a case where multiple devices using the same API key would be causing heavy load on our system, there may be some throttling. However, with reasonable use of the API, I would not expect to see problems.

We will be happy to support community efforts to build API integrations against our APIs. We are also interested in hearing feedback about our API design, in case you have suggestions on how to improve it.

Best regards,
Vesa Vainio

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thanks for the info.

When I have time will try to look into this.

I already tried to reuse the socket, but it probably isnā€™t correct.

I guess my implementation probably fails somewhere around here: com.synplyworks.casambi/lib/client.ts at master Ā· lvanderree/com.synplyworks.casambi Ā· GitHub for the ones who want to try and take a look for themselves.