[APP][Pro] Broadlink App

I wonder, why doesn’t this app use the broadlink cloud to control RM devices? This way you don’t have to learn all the commands you want to use and gives more flexibility to control devices

Any update on a possible software fix to make the ‘red’ bean work?

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Hi all,

I’m quite new to Homey and one of the first things i wanted to get to work together were my automatic fence, an outdoor switch from klikaanklikuit and a broadlink RM. So i bought the RM 4 pro (as i thought all RM Pro’s would be the same) but i guess this one is not yet compatible? Would be awsome to get it added :smiley: . Do you have any news on that by any chance?

I contacted Broadlink because i couldn’t also add the RM 4 Pro to the e-control app. Turns out the e-control app won’t be able to support the new RM pro because the app is the old version they say. So i need to use the newer broadlink app. Correct me if i’m wrong but that one is not connected with the broadlink homey app? :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot!

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Is your app somewhere on github?
Otherwise I could see if i could make the new mini3 and 4 working.

I could base it on the github rescources for ex. Homebridge

I have a while the black mini M3 (not the red bean) and it’s doesn’t work with Homey. Even i got the message "other device found: unknown (5F36)

Did you download the e-control app (android or ios) first an registered the device before adding it to Homey?



And who said that 5F36 is not the red bean?

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5F36 is the ‘red bean’ one.

I did some investigation.
Adding the device wasn’t difficult with adding 5F36 to the code.
Only this device requires some extra info in the header when sending the payload.
I don’t know anything about javascript or coding, so I made an issue on GitHub with the resources I found on the Broadlink Github.

With homebridge my 5f36 RM3 mini works, so it should also work in homey.

Issue: https://github.com/RWensveen/com.broadlink/issues/34

oh I also found this (for a different platform):

If the plugin is unable to discover your device, it’s likely you’ve registered the device with the cloud so it no longer accepts local connections. In this case, follow these steps:

  1. Hold the reset button on your broadlink device until the light flashes
  2. In the IHC app (iOS / Android) Go through the “Add Device” steps
  3. When you reach the step to add the device to a room - quit the IHC app

This app only uses devices that are added to the e-control app. U cannot add this device to the e-control app so they won’t work in Homey.

I came to the same conclusion. The code used for this app is a conversion of the python library (indicated in the opening post).

I believe(d) if you merge the new python code needed for the red bean and rm4, into this app it might be an easy upgrade.

Nevertheless as discussed in earlier posts, the python program is independent of the cloud while this app seems depending on the cloud. Therefore contradicting, and the risk is that more code needs to be rewritten.

ok, I got it working.
The app should now work with RM4 devices.
As I am not the developer, I will contact him to apply the changes.

I’ll keep you guys updated

tbh I don’t think that’s a good idea; then there will be 2 apps for one device, I would agree to that it shouldn’t be approved in any store.

I do own a ‘old’ device and with me a couple of others, obviously we would be willing to test the app and the basic functionalities.

Would you be using it just privately, nobody can stop you to slim it down.

The dev. should update the app with the changes.

I will upload the changes to github. Anybody who wants can use it for private use.


Bring it to the community AppStore m8!
2 apps for one device?
Or one app where this device doesn’t work?
Good job, bring it on!


Very nice!

I would like to have a slimmed down app. Can you also remove the need for the broadlink app/connection to the cloud ?

it doesn’t need the cloud at all.
You just need to connect it to your wifi and quit the app before it attempts to register itself to the cloud.