[APP][Pro] Broadlink App

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The name in the home network says: Broadlink-oem-t1
It came with my AUX airconditioner.

Thatā€™s better.
The smartphone ac freedom app is a clone of the Broadlink app:

The smartphone Broadlink app:

So we can theoretically say that this is a rebranded Broadlink device (but warranty to the door :face_with_hand_over_mouth::grimacing:)

This checks info via the MAC address.
The WiFi chip manufacturer can almost always be traced from that.
But Fing, for example, is sometimes quite wrong, so itā€™s not 100% reliable imho.

The apps look very the same indeedā€¦ so what can i do?

Reading back to post 156, it seems that you need to try to pair it with homey using the broadlink app on the homey and the error code is probably the ID the developer needs to add the device.

But maybe the device code is also shown in the broadlink phone app, canā€™t remember anymore. I have a pro+ and a red mini, the red is currently in the drawer, but I would like to have the pro up and running again.

How is the progress?

Hi, unfortunately things have been crazy the last few weeks, and I have been unable to work on this :frowning: Other than making small changes / bug fixes to the sdk3 migration branch.

I have been testing the rm4 pro a little, but Iā€™m unable to authenticate to the device so far, so I have to look into that. I havenā€™t really had time to research / study the comunication protocol to be able to debug this yet.

Iā€™m hoping to make some progress this week.


Hi, just wanted to let you guys know I have been sick this last week, but I have been feeling better now lately, so Im hoping to get some work done next week.

Sorry for the delaysā€¦ :frowning:


No problem. Glad youā€™re better, especially for yourself!
Already glad youā€™re developing an app/update after allā€¦ :slight_smile:



Hi there. Hoe You are feeling better?
Any updates on your side? :slight_smile:

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Oh dear oh dear no support for Homey 2023? Is there any way I can can convince you? I use the app to all I do every day. So really beg you, no one else can fix it :pray::pray:

Wann kommt da ein Update?

Diese App ist nicht mit Homey Pro (Early 2023) kompatibel.

Diese App ist veraltet und erfordert ein Update, um auf Homey Pro (Early 2023) zu funktionieren. Wenn du dies mƶchtest, wende dich bitte an den Entwickler Ć¼ber das Homey-Community-Forum .

Since either Verisure or Boradlink app now works on H23, I can recommend to put those services over on Home Assistant. Works fine connected to HA23 and the services runs without any trouble. Its also easier to program the Broadlink in HA.

I am a new user. And frankly, Iā€™m wondering about reselling my Homey Pro 2023. Itā€™s very, very frustrating to buy a multi protocol hub for ā‚¬400 which is still in development. So, I prefer to continue with my jeedom on Raspbery. I thought the Homey Pro was plug and play. Just like the Jeedom, I have to quibble a lot on the Homey Pro 2023. Except that the Jeedom cost me a lot less.
I see, as I do, that there are a lot of people who complain about the lack of support for Broadlink by the Homey Pro 2023. I would like the developers to work on integrating Broadlink IR.

Hi Loulou,

Just my 2 cents:
These developers are normal Homey users, just like you. And they develop / maintain apps in their free time, without a salary.

While it looks like you didnā€™t: when you had invested some time yourself, youā€™d notice a dev is already trying to update the app for the Pro 2023.
You can also help out yourself, or get some other dev interested in working on this app.
Thanks for understanding.

Thank you for your reply. So all this work that you do in your spare time benefits the Athom company. This product still costs ā‚¬400. Why developers canā€™t get paid.
What I want is to reward your work and certainly not to pay ā‚¬400 to Athom, thatā€™s not logical.
If there is no more developer, what is the point of buying a Homey 2023 or something elseā€¦

I had the same problem with several very important ā€œmust haveā€ apps after I converted to H23. My solution is to run Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi and use the HA app from Homey to connect with HA. This works really well, without any problems. It also gives you the benefit that you are learning one of the worlds biggest and most advanced smart home solution that actually is free.

Ok, but whatā€™s the point of having Homey Pro 2023, when HA works very well?

Well, I wouldnā€™t be without H23, tings is working well and the rest of the family enjoys using menus and automations. If I was going to move everything over to Home Assistant, I canā€™t imagine how many hours I will have to spend on creating graphical new menus, and a lot more complicated programming. Another thing is that Home Assistant needs much more maintenance due to that many updates demands that you change stuff on the unit. But personally I like both worlds.