[APP][Pro] Broadlink App

You may also go for a simple, but possible messy solution, using Alexa linked with Broadlink.

Alexa only seems to allow basic things from 3d party apps, so when setting up a device in Broadlinks own app, add it as a light bulb. Alexa will then only use the on and off buttons.

For each new button you will have to add it as new device (light).
If your remote does not have seperate on off buttons, make sure the on/off buttons still are set and saved in Broadlinks app (both are saved with same signal).

In my case i have a remote for a ceiling light, with 1 button for on/off, also it has a Fav button (fav light setting, also acts like a on button).
So i have added it as 2 lights in Broadlinks app, linked it with Alexa, and using Homeys Alexa app (no alexa devices needed) to import those 2 devices (smart light).

To turn on my light, i use the Fav Light.
To turn off i use both lights, flow: Press Fav → Press On/Off

This should be ok for a simple remote control use, but if you have lots of buttons you want to use, it might be messy. Especially if you want exact light status, as you then might have to add in a virtual device to control that (as in my case having the same button for on/off).

Only used a IR remote, but should work for RF as well.