Hey @Sharkys and @spkesDE ,
Since it turnes out it was not ment to make the apps specificly not-function, but appareantly by some fluk, it just worked correctly on my own HP2023, there should be a way to solve it.
Technicly, “everything” is possible, when allowed or supported and when not restricted by external situations, you will hardly every hear me say “not possbile”.
And while i definitly do not like the idea of leaving apps running that are not really functional, the simple fact remains that, for the end users, the best User Experience will always be when apps comply to the structure Athom sees and/or builds.
“Working together” or in other words, building it the way Athom intends it to be build or work, is the best way to achive good supportable, well functioning apps.
However, i did spend a lott of times updating apps before the HP2023 came and have been add it since.
I actually have taken to much time, and right now, for me, i have to put my full focus on work and real life again, for the moment. It’s been another period of 6 months about 10 headackes a day/night, ripping through oxigen cilinders (“medication”/oxigen).
Now my headackes are finally over again (or at least almost) so i can put my full energie into work and providing for my family again.
Also, since developing apps actually cost money. Donations are by far not even close to paying for the gas and eletricity for my office when developing apps, let alone the donations i made myself before.
I mostly do this for fun and because i can develop some very unique posibilities, which is indeed fun to make!
But life is not just about fun, certainly not when providing for a family, so back to RL.
Status and planning
Currently, a few apps “act weird” on the HP2023 after a Homey Restart.
Google Services and i guess Telegram might(!) not work correct on the HP2023 right now, but only if BLL is installed.
The FTP Client and the Test-version of Simple Log will crash on Homey restart on the HP2023 with or without the Better Logic Library.
On the HP2019- however, currently, all live versions of the app should work as always.
I’ll update the BLL npm package so it will not put apps “on hold” during init, but, as requested, will resolve the initialisation asap and make sure no timers are used to manage holdings.
This will mean, when updated, the Google Services, (BLL itself) and telegram (both apps using the BLL optionally) will once again function properly on all the HP’s (as in, not crash on startup).
I’ll make sure to update this before any updates with the timers is rolled out to the HP2019-.
Then there must come an update for apps using functionalities from BLL, like FTP Client and (the new) Simple Log. And this will take some more time, simply because i have not designed it like that.
Before, i could put an app on hold for many minutes, at least 15, making sure BLL is started.
However, since this will no longer be the case, like said, the actual “waiting” (and i guess some initialisation) will be done when a flowcard is activated for instance.
Now, because a flowcard execution has a) a shorter execution timeout and b) multiple entries (before, every app had one potential startup place for this init) it will require a littlebit of rebuilding, putting nice error handlings in it and extensive testing on the hp2019 and hp2023.
Now, while this might only take a day (remember, to develop and test this correctly, the old and new homey needs to restart multiple times just for a simple test), i currently just don’t have that time left anymore.
Fortuantly, i have not migrated to the hp2023 yet and unfortuanly i don’t have the time anymore to do that: Thus developing will be easy, since the HP2023 is way more of a developing beast then the White Balls and for the forseeable future, ill keep it solly for developing.
Short plan
So, in short: ill fix the issues for GS, BLL (and Telegram) before it become’s an issue on the WhiteBall.
With that fix, it will also work correctly on the HP2023.
With that fix, the current live version of Simple Log will also work correctly on both devices.
However FTP Client and the current Test version of Simple (Sys) Log will still not work correctly on the HP2023 (or my own 2019 anymore, not sure why yet) and i don’t have a real planning on when i will put my time in resolving those apps.
But right now i am thinking: The next 40 holidaydays i take, those i probably spend on my family.