Hi @Gruijter@Arie_J_Godschalk , I was just checking how my exports are running and found out there were not running since I have HP23 Using SMB and when I test settings, I get Archive Insights crashed and this is in the logs… not sure if it’s something easy to be fixed.
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.262Z Server HTTP GET /manager/apps/app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/locale
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.275Z Server HTTP GET /manager/apps/app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/locale → Success 200
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.421Z Server HTTP GET /manager/apps/app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/setting/smbSettings
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.423Z Server HTTP GET /manager/apps/app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/setting/smbSettings → Success 200
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.551Z Server HTTP GET /manager/apps/app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/setting/CPUSettings
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.553Z Server HTTP GET /manager/apps/app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/setting/CPUSettings → Success 200
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.595Z Server HTTP GET /manager/apps/app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/setting/OnlyZipWithLogs
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.596Z Server HTTP GET /manager/apps/app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/setting/OnlyZipWithLogs → Success 200
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.630Z Server HTTP GET /manager/apps/app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/setting/webdavSettings
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.632Z Server HTTP GET /manager/apps/app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/setting/webdavSettings → Success 200
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.696Z Server HTTP GET /manager/apps/app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/setting/FTPSettings
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.697Z Server HTTP GET /manager/apps/app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/setting/FTPSettings → Success 200
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.699Z Server HTTP GET /manager/apps/app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/setting/IncludeLocalDateTime
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.700Z Server HTTP GET /manager/apps/app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/setting/IncludeLocalDateTime → Success 200
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.707Z Server HTTP GET /app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/getResolutions
Jun 4 20:18:01 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:01.759Z Server HTTP GET /app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/getAppList
Jun 4 20:18:05 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:05.504Z Server HTTP POST /app/com.gruijter.insights2csv/testSmb
Jun 4 20:18:05 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:05.717Z Homey [log][ManagerApps][App:com.gruijter.insights2csv] Exited. Code: 0, Signal: null
Jun 4 20:18:26 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:26.514Z Homey [log][ManagerApps][App:com.gruijter.insights2csv] Automatically restarting…
Jun 4 20:18:26 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:26.517Z Homey [log][ManagerApps][App:com.gruijter.insights2csv] Starting…
Jun 4 20:18:26 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:26.518Z Homey [log][ManagerApps][App:com.gruijter.insights2csv] Session ID: com.gruijter.insights2csv-4.0.0-737d2d49
Jun 4 20:18:28 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:28.229Z Homey [log][ManagerApps][App:com.gruijter.insights2csv] Started
Jun 4 20:18:38 homey-redacted homey-pro[770]: 2023-06-04T20:18:38.230Z Homey [log][ManagerApps][App:com.gruijter.insights2csv] CPU is 66.66666666666666%. Sending CPU Warning 1/5…
@Arie_J_Godschalk would you have any idea why SMB is not working please ? Is SMB option working for you ?
Arie thank you - never mind, switched to InfluxDB, seems to be solution I was looking for. Maybe nobody is using SMB nowadays as nobody else reported, so might be nit worth the effort
For you it probably is. But not everybody is capable or willing to setup a database. Some people just want a simple excel compatible output, and that is what Archive Insights is for.
I’m happy you solved it for your case, but I hope Arie has time to dig into it. I have a lot going on at the moment, so I have to prioritize my Homey activities
Yep, thats why, 30d ago, I have submitted first report on this issue, so in case someone would like to have alternative, I’m sharing - could be solution for many while actually I’m astonished how much, better and faster it is to work with visualisation compared to Insights. For sure there are some drawbacks but this was rather to let others knows on the options - nothing more, nothing less but thanks for your comments
Hello, does SMB connection work against an internet file share, like Azure Storage with SMB file share?
In Windows, you would connect with “\xxxxxhomeyinsights.file.core.windows.net\homeyinsights”. How shall I write the connection string in archiveinsights app?
Best, Torsten
I am pretty new in using my Homey Pro 2023 and learning…
Archived Insight this is a great app! I managed to use it to export data to my NAS.
I created some Advanced Flows that to receive data from some ESP32 and ESP8266 based sensors over MQTT. So far, so good. The defined variables are showing up in graphs under insights.
Among the exported data by Archive Insight is a file logic_20240714T001504Z_yesterday.zip. I expected that my self-defined variables would be reported in there. But the zip file is empty.
What do I have to do to make that self defined variables appear in exported Insights?
I used the Variables button while creating an Advanced Flow. They are all numeric. I assign values to them using the Convert Text to Number Tag card (Logic) and then assign a value with a Logic card (set variable name to #Result, of do a calculation with the Logic card calculate variable name as text.) Some of the names contain an underscore, but all of them can be selected to show a graph!
From your answer I understand that in principle variables should appear in exported Insights. Is that correct?
(I do not quite understand “from/with Homey” ans “Better logic”)
UPDATE: the first archiving action acted on yesterday’s insights. Today I did an hourly backup. This resulted in a number of files with data! I will await the results of the next “yesterday” backup.