[APP][Pro] Archive Insights - export all your Insights data to a NAS, FTP or web folder

Here are some sreenshots:

I am trying to connect to my NAS (Synology with DSM 7), but keep on getting an ‘Error: Aborted’ message after some time after which the app crashes. The log indicates an ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED error occured.

Any ideas how to proceed?
I double checked the share, sub folder, domain, username/password entries, but they are correct.

Seems openssl issue

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Thanks. Does this mean that the Archive Insights app needs updating under the hood?

the node version of HP2016/2019 at least needs to be upgraded. It now doesnt match the node version of HP2024. That requires a Homey fw upgrade.

I am using a Homey Pro 2023. Does it also require a firmware update by Athom for the Archive Insights app to work?

My apologies if I am asking the obvious. I am new to Homey Pro and don’t have in depth knowledge on the inner workings of the apps that run on Homey or its platform. :blush:

Apps need to be able to run on all Homey’s out there. But since HP2016/2019 have a different node version from HP2023, I am forced to make a choice for Archive Insights. Now it only runs on the older platforms because most existing users will not have a HP2023.

If everyone would ask Athom to give priority to have all Homey versions use the same active Node version, it would make a solution possible for this app (and some others too)


Ah that clarifies things. I understand where you are coming from. For now I am using the FTP option to save exports on the FTP server of the Micro Web Server app, which works. Thanks for your quick response and efforts in developing this app!

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