[APP][Pro] Amazon - Alexa

Hi, my connection has been rock solid since October 2023, but today all my Alexa devices are disconnected and won’t reconnect. Tried re-starting the app in Homey, re-entering the login credentials etc. All I get is a sea of red triangles! Fortunately my SmartHome works without speech, it’s just a nice add-on. But it is nice, and I’d like to get it back.

I have a problem activating the Alexa app on Homey.
When I enter my login credentials on Amazon, I see an error page (see attachment). Please how can I resolve this?


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See my post from 6 days ago.

I REALLY don’t recommend that you use the experimental device feature.

I’m working on another app at the moment, but it’s almost done, I’ll do a small update to this app once it’s complete. But don’t expect any major changes …

I recently bought a Roborock vacuum and I just want to see if I can integrate vacuums (which may not be possible)

I also think that new icons were created for some of the devices a while back, so I’ll look at adding those devices, what ever they were.

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Maybe a bit off topic, but for Roborock vacuums you can just use the Xiaomi app. It’s a bit of a pain to extract the device key, but once it’s set up it has been rock solid for me. You just need to add your vacuum to the MiHome app instead of the Roborock one (which contains the same ui/functionality as far as I’m aware) and then extract the key using this helper.

I had the same issue, I had to update my account in the amazon settings for OTP active. after that it worked.

I have the otp function active, but I can’t! Can you help me with all the steps to do?
Thank you

Beware, even if the result is the same (requesting user to provide a code received by SMS), OTP and MFA seems to be two différents things.

I had the issue, while OTP (providing code from SMS) was activated. Then I activated the MFA feature (which was not yet). It did not change anything for me on Amazon side (still receiving SMS for confirming connections), but then the Alexa app connection worked…

So check the MFA activation in your Amazon account.

Hi @Jamie !

If you are working on a new app, and is fluent with all of that Alexa things, a good idea would be to integrate a way to request Alexa to ask a question, wait an answer, and then trigger something in homey.

Someone tried to do something like this with the Alexa skill Voice Monkey, but it is not working well (bugs), and it’s very hard to connect the result of the answer to an action on a homey device.

Here is how I understand it works:
There is a need for an Alexa skill which is also a devices manager. This allow the skill to create a fake button device for each question the user wants to be able to trigger. The user has to create a routine launching the skill when the device is trigged. Then we can have a routine (or a homey flow) triggering this fake device, which run the routine, which run the app, which ask the question, and wait for the answer (the questions, answer type (yes/no, 1/2/3/4…, and action behind) can be configured into a web site that the skill observe) then trigger an action.

We could imagine you make an homey app allowing to create « question » with (sentence, answer type, flow to run or device to turn on/off on various answers).
This « question » would create a button device that can be triggered by a homey flow.
Triggering it would activate the « Jamie’s Alexa skill », which would request to homey what question sentence, and answer type to say/expect, then the skill would call back homey to provide the answer (and then terminate the skill session), which would trigger the corresponding behavior…

Well it’s easy to say, hard to do :slight_smile:

It it possible to turn on /off the vacuum with out worrying about any keys etc or using the mi home app. (which when you start using - breaks the roborock app).

Anyone just something I want to play with, im confident I can turn it on/off. But I dont think ill able to do much more.

Sorry new app has nothing to do with Alexa, pretty difficult to do what you say lots of (to many ) complications.

Ie. ie. very first step … I ask alexa a question … alexa will immediately respond (from that device) … Im sorry I dont understand…

Ha ok :sweat_smile:

Yeah, I understand I was not clear, that’s a quite complex thing to do…
The idea is to make Alexa proactive and, on some events, ask to the user what to do. For instance:

Temperature is low and there is somebody in house > Alexa says « temperature is low, do you want me to turn on the heater ? » > Alexa wait a response (no need to say « Alexa » to answer) > user says « yes » > the heater turn on.

You should try the Alexa Voice Monkey skill to make a try and understand…

I have some experience in Alexa skills (I did Unpleasant mode, Miniventura…), and basic Homey app, so I understand the way all of that could be done, but I’m not sufficiently motivated to go further on that by myself :rofl:
You seems more invested than me currently that’s why I made this suggestion to you :slightly_smiling_face: I can help to detail the concept if you are interested, or to help to traduce.

You can make a work around. I create virtual devices in homey. Alexa recognizes them as devices she can turn off and on. Then you create a flow in homey where you order Alexa to say something or to read one or more variables. Then you create a routine in Alexa, for example: when I say “bedroom temperature” Alexa turn on the virtual device. The flow, in homey, orders to Alexa to read the variable you want her to read.

Hum, that’s not the same purpose. The goal here is really to have Alexa asking me something by herself, and being able to answer her naturally (not saying something like « Alexa heating mode », but simply « yes », « no », …)
I have people here not geek at all. I want them to be able to use the system in an intuitive way, without having to memorize key sentences.

The closest way I know to do it today is to

TRIGGEr - use my app to “trigger” the question you want Alexa to ask you.

CONDITION - Use the Alexa app to create a unique but real answer (with Alexa keyword)

ACTION -Use the homey integration to action a flow

So when it’s 35c on a Tuesday and the blinds are open. Alexa app voice command “Hey jamie do you want me to cool things down?

Alexa routine , “yes, Alexa cool things down”

Alexa routine triggers homey flow which closes blinds , closes window, turns on fan, sets aircon etc etc. on success then Alexa says “no problem, all done”

That’s your best bet because I have no need for this so therefore no interest in coding it.

That won’t work, because Alexa won’t be listening. So any sentence will have to start with the Alexa keyword (ie, « Alexa, yes »), which is what I want to avoid when Alexa initiated the question (that’s not straight forward to have to answer by repeating the Alexa keyword in this case. We should be able to just answer « yes »).

Whatever, thank you for your time. I think I will stay on classic flows for now.
You Alexa skill to trigger Alexa behaviors is already a very good thing :+1:

It works, but you can’t have it say “one word” yes. It has to be “yes, Alexa …” which is kinda how I speak to my wife …. “Yes dear, I’ll take the rubbish out. “

There is no way around this and I don’t think there ever will be. The “Alexa” command is there for your safety so the device knows you are issuing a command and not just talking to someone.

The microphones don’t turn on without the key word, this is by design. I can’t see Amazon approving an app which bypasses this ever.

I believe that, as I’m, you are waiting Amazon to put AI in Alexa. This is the only step to get your requirements. Currently Alexa is extremely stupid. This is planned for this year. So we don’t have to wait so much.

Even with the announced AI i dont expect magic to be available through the alexa API.

Unless something like a websocket is possible where the Alexa API is constantly sending whatever its mics have picked up in plaintext (Speech2Text) so you can create flows based on text in tags. This is year 2026 material and likely even beyond.

The otherway arround where you would ask Alexa what the livingroom temprature is and then ask you if she needs to turn on the AC, is more likely. As these are 2 different API calls to the Homey. Thats a more likely senario with the announced AI.

I activated Amazon access as you suggested, I solved the problem! Thank you!!!

Problem still exists that the websocket (which exists) doesn’t respond with the words its picked up until the trigger word is matched. With out a trigger word, regardless of AI or ML or whatever - its asking for the impossible.