[APP][Pro] Amazon - Alexa

Same here,since today cannot connected on Europe server,i try to change password but still the error"invalid password".:disappointed_relieved:

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Iā€™m connecting to the US server though Iā€™m based in Singapore. App was working before but recently it couldnā€™t reach the devices connected via your app. I removed the devices to try adding them again but the errors popped up.

Hi I have the same issue.

I was using the EU server and it stopped working after a router reboot.

Tried other servers but still canā€™t log in. Says webpage not found.

Can supply a log if needed.

Using Europe/India server and v3.3.700 has not been working for days. Just tried to connect again and it worked (diagnostic report 3d2f5bc2-0088-4b32-9e4f-3d268c674f39). Will update if it fails again.

Same issue for me too

Version 3.4.100

Has been released to be tested : https://homey.app/a/com.amazon.alexa/test/

Its my hope that it will resolve the issue that people connected to the EU are experiencing.


Thanks Jamie, appears to still be broken.
ā€œenter a valid email or mobile number"

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Connecting to the North American server, I get an Amazon Alexa Cookie successfully retrieved. You can close the browser. page on desktop via the developer pairing page but a connection error on homey app.

Unfortunately it freezes at ā€œAsking amazon for a list of your alexa devices, this may take a minute.ā€ for very long. (More than a few minutes) on desktop.
Cookie doesnā€™t seem to be set as retrying the pairing still requires me to login again and the process repeats.

For me North America is working again with this latest test version (for the moment).

Thanks @Jamie

unfortunately using both EU or US server results in the same issue as before. invalid username/email. trying multiple times results in a otp assisted password reset.

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Not working for me on European server,email and password works,but when it search for my devices nothing appearsā€¦too bad itā€™s the app i use the more often on my homeyā€¦
Thanks to Jamie for try resolving the issue

Same for me, canā€™t log in using EU or US

Hey Jamie,

I also have problems with the login again;
ā€œThere was a problem
Enter a valid email or mobile numberā€.

Hope youā€™ll figure it out! I really appreciate your work!

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With this version, I able to login again now to Europe server (cookie received), but no devices are found.

Same for me. I has to renew my Passwort at Amazon. So the alexa App forced a password change.

If you are using version 3.4.100, and your devices do not show, please make sure you send me a diagnostic report so I can investigate whats going on.

So far I have not received any.


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Sorry Jamie. Here is my diagnostic report:

The test channel has been updated to Version #3.4.200

Full disclosure I only have the one Homey, and the Alexa app is working for me. I am not able to remove the app and re-add it in order to find this bug, because it would adversely affect my house ā€¦ and wife.

I hope you understand.


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login fails see slack #alexa

now i onlt get a spinning icon with {} beneath it. this is as soob as i go and select EU server and press authenticate