[APP][Pro] Alfen - Optimal Charging, Smarter Homes: Powering Efficiency for You and the Grid

I also use that! But doesn’t work.

login naam was admin
dont use use the ID.
also, sure you did not change the password, as that should have been the first thing you did (I apparently forgot ;-))

I used admin and the password isn’t changed.


to be sure here is my screenshot:

Strange indeed. The same charger.

I did connect the charger with help of Home Assistant. One of the Renards was that only one device can login. So I disconnected the Eve app and then is was working

I would like to install, but dont know how to install this without Homey store. Any help how to do Manuel install?

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I followed:

installed Node
and then downloaded files on Github from:
extracted to a folder
and then

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Thanks, something new for me to discover :grimacing:

was my first time as well. no programmer, just blindly followed the steps and ultimately succeeded.

i just restarted my router, Homey and the Alfen charger. Now adding was no problem anymore.

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i just restarted my router, Homey and the Alfen charger. Now adding was no problem anymore.

Are you planning to add more options for the charger? what i would like the most is to manage the chargepower by flow.

Wasn’t really planning to be honest… The point is that the API is not publicly available, so everything has to be reversed engineered from the app. And I haven’t found a free tool yet that can do that easily for you. For instance Fiddler Pro (12 euros a month…) can do it… So if anybody knows an easy to use tool, that is free, with which I can sniff my network traffic from my phone then I might spend some time developing later on.

I will try to publish a version next week to the Homey store. Saves a lot of hassle trying to install all the developer tools.

(already submitted a version - but seems not to be available currently: Alfen | Homey).


The initiaal review proces takes up to two weeks. The app wont be visible until then.

Kind regards

Hm, Will they check before I submit it for review? Actually wasn’t going to plan for a public version just yet. Thought that submitting it for test was just making it easier for some people to install.


No, but publishing to test won’t work if it is not reviewed …

I have two apps currently (Viessmann and Roborock). The Viessmann passed the review process once and if I publish a test version it is directly available, however the Roborock didn’t pass the initial review yet and the test version doesn’t show up. I think this will be the same for you.

Kind regards,

That would be great, I will test is for you then

I really don’t know anything about that. But i’m willing to donate iff that helps.