[APP] Tuya - Connect any Tuya device with Homey (by Tuya Inc. / Athom)

Dear Robert

I have no multiplier option in advanced settings.

This feature is not yet implemented for heaters, but a fix is currently in development.


Nice and simple then.

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After weeks without any real issues, I suddenly got a token expired error;
I reported at git:
token is expired (Code 1010) # 184

@Doekse? Can you tell us if this statement by @johan_bendz is also correct and what is done about it?
From what I’ve learned from it, it frustrates further development of certain apps which must affect your work too…?

Looking around on this forum, I can definitely say that it’s correct. There are many people with these Zigbee issues, also with other apps (and sadly, when it gets reported, Athom support points to the app developers, who can’t do anything to fix this, and the issue is simply closed).

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Let’s see if @Doekse can comment on the status of Athom’s Zigbee implementation…

He’s tagged a few times now… :wink:
Perhaps a nice topic or the next podcast too.

I really can’t say anything useful about the Zigbee implementation I think, I’m only the partnerships guy :wink:

But it must affect tour work as well.
No one at Athom has commented on this or answered questions (afaik), so we are left in the dark.
Hopefully you can ask some questions within Athom or address this is the next podcast.
Perhaps it is time for a statement from Athom, as this has been around for a long long while now…

Many users are affected by this and also multiple users are moving aways from Homey Zigbee. This must affect you too in the end… :wink:

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There are indeed some issues, but they are mostly isolated cases that vary from brand to brand and app to app. Some are within our control, while others are related to the brands’ products or the hardware provided by our suppliers. It’s not a single major issue affecting Homey, but rather a range of smaller problems.

This makes it challenging to pinpoint one specific problem and say, “This is the issue and here’s how we’re fixing it.”

However, we are aware of the current issues affecting certain apps, and our development team is actively working on solutions wherever we can replicate the problems. To name an example, the recent bug affecting some newer INNR products is due to the firmware of the Zigbee chip in the Homey Pro (early 2023).

TL;DR it’s a bit more complicated :wink:

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I do think it should be investigated more. I have 3 devices on my zigbee, a generic one, one from the Aqara app and a Thread device. They all started to have problems in the last month. And support is indeed pointing me to the app builders. But all 3 can not be an app problem, two are direct without any app. I now remove the zigbee devices since thread and zigbee might be a bad mix, but the thread device is still a hit and miss experience. Those zigbee devices worked for a year before this. Drivers and chips can not be blamed, nothing changed. Ony the Homey firmware did with zigbee improvments even.

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I wonder if that’s the reason why the newly announced “LG Homey” only supports Thread and not Zigbee :thinking:

Which kind of problem, eg. leaving ZigBee mesh? Btw I observe the same for a month or so and trying tu push it back to Athom via Slack… but there must be more reports from users, obviously they are not aware. In my case impacted devices ara Aqara so far…

The light stops responding to any command and the Aquara air monitor stops sending updates. Repair works for a hour or two. Not sure how to shoot i they are leaving the mesh.

Copy their ID, remove them, add them back, using skript repair flows - you might get better results. You must have random devices disconnecting/leaving mesh, not the same.

Or it didn’t help as we discussed here?

It didn’t help. Took for a day. Then they failed again.

Hello, good afternoon, I use Homey Pro and I have problems reading the devices in the Tuya Cloud with Tuya APP, when using the first Beta version, I could access “other devices” without problem, but, as the versions of yours advance, I get an error … “Timeout after 30000ms”, I have about 200 Tuya devices in the Cloud and apparently it does not reach to read them in the configured time …, is there a solution…???

About 22 minutes ago my Tuya app was updated to 1.3.0. However, some lights stopped working. Previously they worked fine, but now they don’t. If I switch them off and on using the Tuya app, I can switch them on and off again as well using the Homey app. However, the dimming and colour abilities are still in the light but do not work anymore.

Hello Ruud,

I assume you restarted the app / Homey already?

I can’t discover if you’re aware it’s a test version, as you can see in the Changelog in the app store and when viewing the app

Nothing about lights however.
I’d recommend installing the stable app again if you need stuff to work as yoy expect. Do not uninstall anything, just go to
and press “Install”

Hi Piet,

Yes, I have restarted the app. Haven’t restarted Homey yet. Doing that now. Didn’t work

Of course I am very much aware of the fact that this is a test version. I have requested about three devices to be added through a Github issue.
Checked the change log as well and indeed, I wasn’t expecting something that worked before to stop working.

If I hit install, it’ll just install the most recent version 1.3.0 right?