HomeyMatter Link
HomeyMatter Link is a significant evolution of smart home technology, acting as a bridge that enables your Homey devices to communicate seamlessly with the Matter protocol. This ensures your devices can be controlled via the Matter ecosystem, enhancing compatibility and providing a smoother smart home experience.
Current Version 
- Stable: (not yet available)
- Test: v.0.0.4
HomeyMatter Link can run alongside other similar bridges without conflict. See the setup instructions below to get started.
Common Issues 
“No Response” Errors
App Crashes
- Sometimes the app can crash due to low memory error, this will be improve
Unable to Add HomeyMatter Link
- Ensure both Homey and your device are on the same network segment. Devices on separate VLANs or guest networks may not be discoverable.
- v0.0.4: Initial release
This provides users with an overview of features, current versions, common issues, and the changelog. Let me know if you’d like this integrated into your current README or further customized!