[APP] Ecobee - Smart thermostats that harmonise energy savings and home comfort

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Ecobee App for Homey | Homey


Ecobee has 2 really clever features:

  • Adjust the temperature to the room Iā€™m occupied in so that Iā€™m not trying to make upstairs 70F when Iā€™m downstairs all day
  • when a door/window is open for letā€™s say 5 minutes turn off the ac until its closed again

Iā€™m less interested in the room activity since temp sensors are cheap and easy ( that said I already have many more of these sensors from other brands so it would be nic to leverage those in addition to ) but the door window one is a big investment to change over considering I have 20 windows with ring contact sensors already. I shared the first one because Iā€™m sure anyone reading this would also be interested in that.

My question is what is the best way to accomplish the 2nd feature around turning off the ac. Iā€™m thinking a simple script could do this.

Hi All!

Submitted a ticket to Athom, but itā€™ll take 3 weeks so I thought Iā€™d ask the community. Iā€™ve got an Ecobee thermostat. Hereā€™s an example of its Homey dashboard output:

The orange badge shows the number ā€˜67ā€™ and I donā€™t know where it is coming from. Before anyone jumps in and says ā€œkeep reading the badge, idiot, itā€™s your target temperature,ā€ some context.

At the time this picture was captured from the dashboard, the Ecobee itself shows the following data:
Target Temperature: 68
Sensor Temperatures (four in total): 69 (all four sensors agree)

Could this be as simple as a conversion error? Is it possible that Homey is grabbing raw data and performing its own Celsius to Farenheit conversion and thereā€™s a rounding error?

Iā€™m curious because this is as ā€œcloseā€ as Iā€™ve seen it to being accurate. Iā€™ve had situations where itā€™s said 62 when everything from the target temperature to the sensor temperatures was 5-7 degrees higher. Iā€™m hoping to utilize some automation flows that will draw from Ecobee, but donā€™t know if I should rely on these numbers or adjust them somehow.

Thanks in advance for any tips!

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I think it is indeed a conversion error, Iā€™ll check with the developers to see what is causing this issue. Iā€™ll keep you posted! :wink: :+1:

Having the same issue here. Curious if the developer is working on a fix. Any feedback you are able to share?

The snippit on the left is how I usually run the thermostat (in ā€œcoolā€ mode). There is only one target temperature (74f), as you can see. On the right, when changing the mode to ā€œautoā€ you can see two target temps (the lower for heat and the upper for cool. Seems that despite the mode being in ā€œcoolā€ mode, it is grabbing the heat threshold instead in the homey app.

Could be coincidence or a conversion error, however, as Hubertā€™s screenshot is not showing the same behavior.

have the Ecobee Premium and the homey display shows target temp of 68 when the target is actually 78, and shows blue (is that supposed to indicated it is actively cooling, or that the thermostat is set to cool mode?). Though the actually thermostats isnā€™t running nor should it be.

I have a similar bug.
I wrote a report to ecobee but didnā€™t see any movements.
Do you have any solutions for this?

I also have the Ecobee issues with the temperature not updating. Why isnā€™t the Ecobee developer responding?

It"s Athom in this case, open a ticket @ homey.app/support

Iā€™m having issues with both the App integration as well as the Homeklit integration. Mostly the wrong number showing for target and current temp and the step up and down are in .5 instead of whole numbers or .1 .2 increments. Sent messages to both. I would prefer to use the HomeKit integration, as itā€™s local and offers more information, although not as much as it could. Sometimes the web controls works but not the android app as regards to changing the increments.


I have an ecobee thermostat with numerous sensors in various rooms.
I currently have the ecobee setup to run the HRV 10 minutes every hour, but I really only want it to run the fan and HRV when there is a big enough temperature differential between the basement (where the furnace is) and the top floor.

I would also like to set up homey to turn off the HRV when we put the house into vacation mode. (I have a virtual device that I use for vacation mode).

I would be happy to use Homey Script if that is the only way to do it.


can anyone offer a suggestion how to configure your Ecobee devices with HomeyPro? I have a flow for turning on the heat at a particular schedule, which works fine but the Ecobee device requires at least one comfort zone. should I just lower the comfort zone as low as possible and allow homey to control heat with multiple flows?

I guess you have to elaborate a bit, to get some response?
I donā€™t get your use case.

I setup my ecobee thermostats today and they do not work. I have 2 X Premium with one sensor attached to each. The app installs fine, the thermostats show up, but they have zero functionality. When you try to adjust the function (heat, cool, etc.) they throw an error of ā€œInvalid thermostat mode (mode: null)ā€ and nothing happens. Help would be appreciated.

Both are up to date on firmware, have rebooted (pulled display off of base) and I am not gong to factory reset them when they work fine in Homekit and via the ecobee app, just not in Homey.

Please read the forum guide,
Welcome to the forum

I think only the app developer can fix this, which is Athom in this case.
Please contact them as well:

In HomeKit, the ecobee reports two types of motion: one for motion itself and another for occupancy. These serve very different purposes. Motion can be used as a trigger whenever it is detected, while occupancy can activate a scene but can be turned off and prevent reactivation each time motion is detected until occupancy updates, typically every 30 minutes. Unfortunately, occupancy does not seem to be supported in Homey. Additionally, there is a significant delay of up to two minutes for motion detection in Homey before a flow is activated; in contrast, HomeKit responds almost instantly. I need to enhance this so that a flow triggers to turn on all the lights and exhaust fans before a person finishes their business and exits, and then the flow triggers as if someone has just entered the bathroom.

Is there a way to trigger a flow when the system starts heating?
It seems that the app knows that the thermostat is calling for heat or cooling (as opposed to being in heating or cooling mode). But I canā€™t see how to trigger a flow based on it.

Hi all idk if this is where I should request this, but I would love to have a way to set the temp range from the app. Like this