Since a few weeks I found that data from apps within Homey, like temperatures from Netatmo, and motion from Philips Hue (sensor) weren’t received anymore by Homey premium and Homey pro 2023. (this concerned all data from the apps mentioned)
I use both Homey premium and Homey pro 2023 (too many flows in Homey premium to move to pro), and the lose of app connection occurs at different times on both platforms. Choosing ‘repair’ and reaffirming data connection solves the problem only for a few minutes or hours. Reinstalling the app sometimes works, for some hours. Restarting the Homey pro seems to solve the problem sometimes. (with the disadvantage that THEN-cards dissapear that would start with a planned delay)
What is the cause, and what is a permanent solution to this serious and time consuming problem?
Yes, that sucks
@ Homey Pro, you can solve it by replacing the delays with Chronograph app timers.
They count towards a timestamp, which is still there after a reboot.
Thank you for your answer. That would help for that part of the problem, but not for the big main problem. Does somebody know whether the disconnection problem happens to more users? Is the Homey staff working on a solution? I haven’t e-mailed support (yet) since a response would take a long time.
Netatmo and Philips Hue are both apps by Athom.
Sorry, there’s no support for any Hue sensor @ Homey premium/cloud
My advice, report your issues at support, please
That’s not what they write.
“Expect it to take 1 - 2 weeks” is not the same as “it takes 1 - 2 weeks”
The problem with disconnecting Hue sensors is in Homey pro (2023) indeed.
A recent experience I had, is worse than 1 or 2 weeks, but hopefully the new issue I described, which I have just sent to Athom support, is given higher priority and solved earlier. I see some more people mentioning the same problem in other topics.
I have the same issue with two Hue Outdoor Motion sensors and a Homey Pro 2019. In the Hue app I can see that motion is detected but Motion detection, temperature and luminance readings are days old in the Homey App. My flows based on these data unfortunately, are useless now.
Hello Jim,
Which of the Hue app is involved here?
And, if you like it getting fixed, instead of just sharing your experiences, you’d contact the app developer.
Often there are links to dedicated app topics, or other ways of getting in touch:
After asking the Homey support for months, with getting friendly replies but no single reply about solving the problem from the development team, I still have the same problem since June, having to repair the connection between Netatmo and both Homey Premium and Homey Pro a few times a day, to keep my smart home working correctly. (The Hue problem I mentioned earlier has been solved)
The support desk even closed my ticket since they don’t know a solution.
I have 4 Netatmo weather units connected to the main weather station and I have a separate Home coach. With both Homey Premium and Pro connected, it’s a lot of connections. However, the Netatmo helpdesk says that shouldn’t be a problem, and it cannot be an error at their side.
I see the frequency of weather data fluctuating from once every 10 minutes (that’s the same as the Netatmo app) sometimes to once every hour. I also see some Netatmo units lose connection to Homey (no new data in the Insights section), while others are still updated.
Does anyone have the same problem, and does anyone know a solution?
Same problem. Probably the last 6 months.
House 1: Homey Pro (23) and Netatmo weather station. Indoor module and outdoor sensor freeze and I need to do repair on both. Not often though.
House 2: Until yesterday Homey Bridge and Netatmo weather station. Outdoor module «unit not available» and repair doesn’t work. Indoor module works.
Replaced Bridge with new Pro (23) yesterday; same problem.
Both houses: Netatmo app works great on all devices. Google Home gets data from Netatmo with no issues.
Then I noticed now that another app I have (Tibber) has issues with getting data from Netatmo.
This may be a Netatmo API issue?
Verified in my Netatmo account, all the listed apps are authorized (but strange; Homey list itself 5 times with the same date, the other apps only once).
I have the same issue. Two houses, one with Homey Pro 2019 and the other with Homey Pro 2023. In the Netatmo third-party application overview Homey lists itself 5 times. This is as many times as I have devices in the two houses together. I guess that is why it lists 5 times? Whenever Homey loose connection with Netatmo, I have to confirm connection in Homey individually for each device (by choosing Maintenance + “Try to repair”) + accept in the Netatmo web-page. To me, it seem that Homey loose connection to Netatmo whenever Homey is updated and whenever the Netatmo app in Homey is updated.
Some interesting observations. I installed a 3rd party app called «Bticino/Legrand/Netatmo» by Gal Carmeli and used this to connect with my weather station in parallell with the original Netatmo app.
Where the Netatmo app freezes data collection or use hours to update values, the 3rd party app update on minutes and stable.
Testing in both my houses and will assess if to delete the original app if test period shows good results.