[App][Cloud&Pro] Twinkly

Oh okay, yeah the app has no restrictions, but nothing helps.
I am thinking that it might be connected to why i can’t turn the device on through Homey as well, but i don’t know, i am still in an argument with Twinkly. It might be 2 different issues, but i think that a connection might be there. But it might just be the app that is setting the timer but the button is not acknowledging the change.

EDIT 1-march, Twinkly said that the error has been found now in gen 1 devices and been fixed, but my xmas lights are in storage now so will have to check next xmas if everything is a-okey now haha! Toodaloo


even with Christmas three lights powered off, the app logs some data literally each 5sec or so - can this be changed? I would send diag. but getting rate limit errors… (yes, I can disable app naturally but that’s workaround)

Cannot be avoided. You could halt/pause the app though I guess.
But I think what you are seeing is the status query of your twinkly account to stay up-to-date on the state of your devices. Nothing extraordinary really. That a common practice for APIs which have no realtime event sub system.

Yep, just that all associated flows get broken, but there is a workaround naturally…

OK, I have been just wondering, why app that had device powered off, generated much higher I/O traffic then others very much alive (400MB in 1 hour)

Anyway, thank you :slight_smile:

Any info on when this version will be released?

Actually, this version might be skipped in favor of a yet more advanced version.
Cannot share any concrete details, yet, but something is approaching.


Can’t wait the lights are already up :smiley:

hi i have a problem i can start the light my self on and off. but i want to start and turn off the light and restart again then i do this in a flow the app think the light is on but its off.

i have 2 groups off twinkles with a playlist on each.
its sync then i start but when its restart the playlist its get out of sync.

i want to “fix” this by turning off the light in 5 seconds and turn them back on again.

Hello !
Thanks for the work so far, but I have to say I’m quite frustrated with the capabilities of the Homey app.
Impossible to choose the white color on an RGB-W device, and impossible to select an animation.
I hope these new features arrive very quickly!
(For Christmas it would be a great gift :blush:)

That should actually work. Can you reproduce this please and immediately afterwards create an app diagnostics report please.


Great news for scenarios! :blush:
To be more precise, when I select the white color in Homey, I get an RGB mix and not the true white of my RGB-W.
I tried to go through a flow by setting the saturation, temperature and hue, but I always get the same result.
If there’s a tip, I’m interested.
I’m also ready to help.

When will the 4.2 version be in production? This because of the most wanted functionality there is; choosing the effect on the date and time you want to!

I now use the 4.1 version, but is there a releasedate for the 4.2 version? Or can I test that version?

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Hi @Arjan_t_Hart,
I appreciate your interest in testing. But I cannot provide a test version at this time, as it would not work with your Twinkly account.
We will be testing the new api against the backend the next days. I am quite confident that the new version will be available very soon.


I added my gen 2 RGB led strings to Homey. Installation was no problem. But the string does not react to commands from Homey. It does get the latest status properly from changes within the native app from Twinkly.

Made a diagnostic report: 932f64b8-c4c3-4f9a-bcc0-f8072dacb020

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Weirdly enough after adding it to HomeKit it works in Homey as well (donnow if correlated).
But getting random behavior. It does always goes off when I tell Homey to but ON does not work via Homey…

Id love to select the effects. Now I can just turn it on/off but I want to create some scenes

Hello Twinkly fans,

Just want to keep you guys in the loop, as many of you are waiting for the update. Mainly because of the effect selection feature.
So far the testing has been going very well. We are now down to one last test-case, which requires a little adjustment on Twinkly’s end. As soon as everything is fine we will go into public testing, and possibly live release soon™ after. Public testing is currently not possible due to required changes on Twinkly side which are not available to public just, yet. But thanks for asking :heart_eyes_cat: :love_you_gesture:
Please bear in mind that I am not officially speaking on behalf of Twinkly here.

Wish you all a nice 6th Dec. :christmas_tree:


Is there a fix/solution for when Homey turns on my Gen 1 lights, sometimes they power on at 50% instead of 100%?

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Hi @jpcams,
Afraid I don’t think this is not an easy fix…
Effectively the Homey app remembers the last brightness value your device has reported to Homey, as long as the value is above 0%. Something seems interesting here though. Homey would actually send a 50% brightness setting if it has not received any update containing brightness data from your Twinkly since the Homey app had started. So Homey would think it is at 0% and when it wants to turn it on it defaults to 50% as turning on with 0% would not make any sense.

I would ask you to watch this when v4.2.x is released as the whole device status update logic is done differently starting with that version. Maybe the brightness information update problem you seem to have is fixed by that already. If not I will have a look at your logs once the new version is out.

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I bought 11 Twinkly products and decorated the whole house. That’s a lot of money. And now I can’t change scenes with Homey? When will this be possible, after Christmas at the earliest?

Please do it Twinkly, time is running out!

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