[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

Sync speed set to 10, and the error log is empty.

Does this mean we can lower the sync speed again. I had it set to 10sec and since the email of Somfy increased it to 300sec. But this would mean that Homey checks every 5 minutes the state once. So when I control my roller shutters with connexoon or a remote then in the worst case 5 minutes later Homey shows the new position state?

Empty, excepted when the oAuth token expire.
I clicked the “send” button, not sure you received it or not.

Currently configured at 30 seconds (was 10 before the email from somfy)

In theory, yes you can lower the sync value. I have asked Somfy what is acceptable but not had a reply yet.

I tested 2.0.8, I can control my roller shutters. But sometimes I get an error when I try to set the position: “Cannot read property ‘errorCode’ of undefined” This message disappears quite quickly, but I managed to create a screenshot:

This is the error log that I receive at settings:

I don’t use OAuth and I have also send the log.

Edit: when I get this error message the roller shutter does move, so it did listen to the set position command. But the graph doesn’t update, so it looks in the UI like nothing happened.

Unfortunately with new version no remedy. App still not fetching scenarios :thinking:

That is puzzling as I can see all mine. Just to make sure I’m looking in the correct place, is that when you add the app play scenario card?

Yes it is Then flow card :thinking: tried disconnect from tahoma, restart app and homey there and back and no success. I got two Tahoma updates but cant say when it happened. I even dont know if it is related only to your “new” app. I dont want to uninstal app coz i’d lose all my devices I have tons of flows on.

I didn’t update anything and as I speak flows are working again. No error at all :man_shrugging:t3:
Still v2.0.3

I can replicate it back. The version 2.0.5. fetch the scenarios again. Not the later ones :frowning:

For me the app no ​​longer works for both v 2.03 and v 2.08. I get 401 errors. I have a CONNEXOON.
I have tried ale connection urls.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Have you tried the new OAuth option?
Also try restarting the app.

I am so confused over this. I have checked and the only change near the scenarios is to change one function to async. On mine I get the list

I will keep looking.

New version (2.0.8) has more logging around the new Events code to try and track down why they are not working in some cases.

You mean 2.0.9 :wink:

Any idea what this could be. Have it with 2.0.9 as well. It started since 2.0.8

Yes exactly that :slight_smile: of you set it to 300, the homey checks every 5 minutes

It’s been a long day :crazy_face:

Can you try the new version (2.0.10). I missed the return statement after a post or get method tried for the second time after re-authenticating. So no data was returned to the calling function which could be the culprit for that error.

@Daniel_S Could you check if that fix has also solved your missing scenarios?

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I forgot to say one thing.
The “synchronisatie snelheid” I set to 60 seconds.
Perhaps that was the trick.

I have had a message from a user on GitHub about the possible authentication issues:

I can confirm that this has nothing to do with the email about usage of /setup end point. Somfy’s support have confirmed they have an issue with authentication on Tahomalink.com which is desynced… Apprently for some users changing their password will resync but not for all. They have no idea when this will be fixed.

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The error is indeed gone with 2.0.10.

But I do have the same issue as Eric and Patrice:

When I change the position with my connexoon or remotes, then Homey won’t update the position status. Sync speed is set to 10.
So to be clear this UI part remain the same when using connexoon or remote:

Edit: When I restart your homey app then the state does get an update.