[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

Hi @Adrian_Rockall
Version 2.0.10 : everything works fine for me, I can open, close, and set the position of the IO shutters.
And best of all, the position is well updated in Homey :slight_smile:
Sync speed is set to 10.

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So it would appear that either the events are not being registered for some reason or not being fired for the movement or the format that is returned is not what I had expected (very likely).
Could you make sure all the logging options are switched on, restart the app, wait for a few minutes and then send me the logs.

Are you using Tahoma or Connexoon?
Could you also turn on logging and send me the logs after moving the shutters?
It will hopefully give me a reference of a good system to compare against non-working ones.

Just as a thought. Would someone with a non-working system be prepared to share their logon credentials with me (change your password to something you wouldn’t normally use first) so I can try connecting via my Homey?
I understand this is a big ask but it might make it much quicker to get to the bottom of some of the issues. At the moment I’m not sure if these authentication issues are bugs in my code or problems on the Somfy servers.
I’m in a fortunate position that it all works flawlessly for my setup but it means I don’t see the bits that can go wrong.

Mine 401 alarm has been gone since the 2.0.10 update. Thank you very much!

I would like to share it, but the io shutters are working as expected.

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Adrian, for the love of god set up a gofundme or something so we can ship you some love for all the work you put into this! :heart:Especially if you’re taking time off from work to do it.


I’m using Tahoma, logs sended :slight_smile:

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After restart it works now. Thanks

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I did what you ask and send the information (the one that starts with: time": “2020-10-10T07:58:48.704Z”) and I have send the device log. The state log is empty, cause after restarting the app that log is disabled by default.

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Hi Adrian,

My Connexoon box was updated. I installed your version 2.0.10 on my Homey (over version 2.0.8 ) and restarted the app. Unfortunately I can’t login: the App configuration states: error 401.

If I point my browser to https://www.tahomalink.com/ and use my credentials, I again get an error (wrong credentials). I have reset the password but get the same error. However, I can login on https://accounts.somfy.com/

Controlling my Somfy stuff via the Connexoon Window App on my phone still works.

What do you suggest? I have send the log file!

Can you try selecting the OAuth login option to see if that fixes it?

edit: You might need to restart the app after changing th eoption.

Yes, I can now login successfully!

But, via Homey I can’t control the devices. Flows and devices time out (edit: with 401)

Did you restart the app after changing the option?

Can you send a new log?

Yes, re-started the App twice. Login is successful. Devices and flows return error.
Log send!

I have not selected a connection url, but do get a green confirmation that the App logged in successfully.

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Has the app selected the default connection url?
It might be worth trying the other settings but so far they don’t seem to have helped.

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The App had selected the default (first) option. I tried the second and third; they both fail.
I selected the first option manually, and now login fails too …

I restarted the App and without a manually set URL, login works again.

As a test I tried to add new devices (perhaps Homey lost my Velux windows), but none were found. I also PTP on the Connexoon. After it was rebooted, using the Connexoon Window app on my phone, worked.

However, trying to login via your App now fails… In Dutch it states “Inloggen niet gelukt. Error” (Attempt to log in failed. Error).

Perhaps too many login attempts. I will switch the App off for an hour and have a look again.
Thanks for your help!

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Just want to chime in with some positive signal, test v.2.0.10 with the OAuth login fixed it for me. Thanks a bunch!

I think I found the issue:

It seems after I restart your somfy homey app or after an update (since 2.0.8) that the set position state does not update properly anymore. The info log is also quite basic then. It only shows token expired and simple login successful. It does not register and fetch events, also state log remain empty

However the moment I press the login button in your homey somfy app, then Homey does receive position state updates the moment the roller shutter has been used once (inside or outside homey). The info log shows register and fetch events and the state log generates text.

In a direct message I have send you the log files.

Working again!
After the pause I switched the App on again. Logging in with 0Auth checked was successful and all my devices can be operated thru Homey again. Must have been an issue with the Somfy server / too many login attempts.

I observe the same result as rvdeijk.
But for me after “login in manually”, the position seems to update every 10 seconds.

Seems the fetch mecanism is triggering when login in manually in the app, and not on start !?

edit : I confirm, after app restart, no fetching. after manual login, it fetchs every 10 seconds (I can see it in the info log)