[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

Dear Adrian,

First the good news all zone on and off work.
However zone a, b, c throws an error 400

I sent you the log… nearly getting there :slight_smile:

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It looks like the zone commands failed because the off command hadn’t finished executing. Error code 400 means the command was refused and I wonder if that is because it was confliction with the off command that was still being processed.
Could you try again but make sure you leave at least 20 seconds between each button press as it seems to take about 15 seconds to compete the command. If that solves the problem then I will try to add a block on commands while the pervious one is still being processed.

Dear Adrian,

If i press zone A or B or C, the error is given immediately. Even at start up…

The full Alarm on or off responds immediately.

I send you a log. Ps if it is too much work , i am allready happy that I can put the alarm on or off., as that was my objective and that seems to work.

What i mean to say if I press a, b or c as step 1 the error shows up immediately and my protexial alarm doesn’t give the usal confirmation beep.

When pressing on or off all, i get inmediatte response including confirmation beep. Even if i repress it within a second it still works… so the time limit is imho not the problem…


The reason I suspected the timing is the log shows the various stages of a command as in initialising, transmitted, processing and complete. The log then shows the zone button commands were sent between the initialising and complete events.
I will keep looking to see if I can figure out why the zone buttons are failing.

Hi Adrian,

I just send you a new log.

When i press off (uit) first, then the buttons of zone a,b and c become white. And if I press on them they become irresponsive.

Maybe this gives a clue?

Hi Adrian,
Do you also have some time to check why I don’t see the My button in the Homey app for my sunshades.

Kind regards,

Should be in the new test version.

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thanks for adding somfy protexial
it’s working fine for me.

Is it possible to use alarm io in a flow for exemple to power up alarm when i quit my home ?


It will be, just wanted to get the basic control working first. The hot weather here is too much for me to sit in the study for too long, so jobs taking longer than usual.

I have published an update that might fix the activation of zones. Could you try that to see if it works?

the buttons of zone a,b and c are always white
when i press it there is no effect

the button all on or all of working fine

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Pressing zone A, B or C individually doens’t work.
All zones on or off does. I just send you a new log. If it is to much hassle i am already happy with the feature all zones on or off.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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OK, another test version to try to see if the zone buttons turn off when the alarm is turned off.
Also added the action flows to switch the alarm On, Off and Zones on.

Hi Adrian,
I have installed the test version this morning and I do see the My button for my screens now and it also works. Thanks for that.
I have another question related to my Roller Shutters. I used the UP button ( ^ ) to move the roller shutter upwards.
At some point I wanted to stop the movement using the round stop button, but this didn’t work.
I noticed that I each time have to press the stop button 3 times after which it immediately stops.

Could you enable the Information log and then repeat the procedure and send the log so I can see if it is reporting any errors.

Dear Adrian,

I send you a new information log.
Press A - nothing happens
Press b - nothing happens
Press c - nothing happens
Press off - alarm confirms with sound signal it is off
Press all zones on - alarm confirms it is on
Press a again - nothing happens

Flow for off and on works.

Hope this helps,

Could you send me the information log for that procedure so I can see the response to the zone commands.

Hi Adrian, i send it to you after executing the procedure. If you didn’t receive it let me now

I’ve send you the information log.
Seems this time the move down or up action is stopped after pressing the stop button 2 times.