[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

Hopefully it’s not another issues where they have forgotten to renew their certificate again. That happened before but I can’t remember if it was a year ago.
Have you tried restarting the app to see if that fixes the problem?

Yes. Restart app, restart Homey and re-login had no effect. Will continue trying today. Thanks for the quick response!

By the way, The Native Tahoma app that I also have on my phone does work. (Don’t know if that is relevant)

Not sure. If it has a valid token then it might continue until that expires.
Could you enable the Information log, restart the app and then send me the information log. I will check to see at which point it fails

Logs sent

Either you did something @Adrian_Rockall , or the issue resolved itself. Login succesvol

It must have resolved itself. Probably a similar glitch to last year.

Sorry, for the late reply. Here is the link to the Somfy homepage describing the IntelliTAG. They will be connected through the Somfy Home Alarm, but when I get the description in the Tahoma app right they are recognized there also as sensors.

Maybe someone here in the forum knows more about this solution. Any experience with Somfy Home Alarm is highly welcome. :slight_smile:

I have those as part of my One Alarm, but I haven’t found a way to add them to my Tahoma box, so I’m intrigued how you have done that.

If you do add them to your Tahoma, then send me the Device Log from the App settings screen and I will try to add them to the Homey app.

Do have a similar error after the update.
Blinds and some functions work. But I do get login error as mentioned above. Additionally can’t get Szenarios from Tahoma for flows.
Any ideas?

Can you send the Information log from the app settings page so I can look at the errors.

I have just found a log that might be yours.

Yes, have sent them after the post. An idea why it does not work?

Ok, at the moment I haven’t bought a Somfy One Alarm or Home Alarm. For now I will continue the evaluation of different security solutions. Thanks for the valuable feedback.

I am trying to fathom the log as at first glance it looks like local login is working but as I look deeper it seems that is being disconnected when the cloud login starts, which shouldn’t happen.

I might have to change the logging information to make things a bit clearer and ask you to try that version, but I’m not there yet.

I am very happy with my One Alarm and I can set it and get alarm notifications via Tahoma / Homey.
But it would be nice if I could use the alarm sensors in Homey and therefore reduce the duplicates I have around the home.

Thank you very much. This explains why direct action such as curtains work but scenes not.
Scenes are stored in the cloud right?

I’m not sure if they are stored in the cloud, but they can only be queried via the cloud. So you are correct with the reasoning.

Thank you for the insights! I will keep you updated if I’ve managed to add the sensors to Tahoma.