[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

@MaxvandeLaar The strange part is, that I didn’t receive 2.1.19 automatically, while it’s in the community store.

I will wait if I receive 2.1.19 automatically :wink:

That is not how the auto update is implemented. The app will auto install whenever a new version is pushed and not check for updates intermediate. So if 2.1.19 does not get installed. It will try again when @Adrian_Rockall submits the next update

Sorry btw for the double Updater message haha I made a small mistake when updating the HCS app. You can now go to the settings page of the HCS app and change auto update settings there or download the latest version if applicable

Strange how it didn’t get the update though.

I have published version 2.1.20 to test.
I have fixed an error when using OAuth login so hopefully this will solve the elusive failed login problem. I know I have said it before but one day it will be true :blush: Fingers crossed it is today.


2.1.21 apparently :wink:

@MaxvandeLaar These auto updates are curious. I installed yesterday 2.1.19 from the homey app store (test). But somehow the community store is able to update that version to 2.1.21 (HCS version). I would suppose it should only update if users were already on the community store version, now I lost the diagnostic report functionality. To be less Off-topic here, I made a reply on the right forum topic.

Let’s hope so :crossed_fingers:

I uploaded 2.1.21 at about 4am :crazy_face: I have problems sleeping so I will often get up in the middle of the night for a few hours.I got myself a Withings sleep mat to track my sleep and it seems I generally have about 4hrs sleep per night. One benefit of the mat is now Homey knows when I am asleep / awake plus I have it setup to switch the bedroom light off when I get into bed :slight_smile:

The change for 2.1.21 is to add support for another curtain device.

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I noticed in your edit history you also asked a question about the blue ‘developement’ label missing. I did that :slight_smile: Apps used to get this label since they were installed via the devkit and usually only developers do that, hence the development label. Some users got confused about this and I figured out a way to get rid of this. It would be nice if Athom allowed to mark apps to be from an external store with diagnostics and ‘view in store’ link etc…

In conclusion, the development label is most likely gone, but I have noticed it still appears for some users.

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And 2.1.22 adds a fix for both rts:RollerShutterRTSComponent and rts:CurtainRTSComponent.

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Hi all. I have two Velux io blinds that I want to connect to Homey. Can I settle for the Connexoon (cheaper) or do I need to buy the TaHoma box (more expensive). And will it work out of the box?
I have read the thread and it seems positive to go for Connexoon, but have other users say that they have trouble/never succeeded in connecting Velux via Connexoon to Homey.

I have a Connexoon-box which controls 6 Velux IO roof windows and 10 Velux IO blinds.
I control them manually with the Velux remote controls and automatically with Homey.
Works great for me.


Great. I will buy a Connexoon-box right away and start having fun. What firmware are you running? (still on v4.2 or v5 experimental? And are you using the latest official app in Homey or a beta-/test-version?

Users are on a mixture of Homey firmware. I think only a few are on v5 and the rest on earlier version. I am using v5.
As far as i can see there are about 20 users on Test versions and 1800 users on the ‘stable’ version. I would ideally like to see more users trying the test version before I move that to stable. If there are going to be problems I would like to fix them for just a few users at a time rather than suddenly finding a problem when the bulk of the user get the automatic update. Given the situation with Somfy I don’t want to ‘rock the boat’.
I presume that as most users have stuck with the current ‘stable’ version and have not been complaining, they must be happy.
So far any users that have login problems seem to have found the test version solved the problem.

So I would be grateful if more ‘stable’ users would install the test version, especially if it is working OK.


Homey 4.2.0 and Adrians excellent app 2.1.14 for now. I will update to 2.1.22.


I am (still) occasionally being locked out here. Right now I am locked out of Tahomalink on browser as well (and even the app as well, and that is a first). On 2.1.15 here.

Maybe there is an issue at Somfy. As far as I am aware they have not implemented any rate limits yet.
You could try that latest test version as that has several changes to improve the login issues.

Here’s the error <i get on my computer, but not on the i<phone …

Is that with version 2.1.22?

Hi Adrian,

Yes, that’s correct :+1:t2:

Med Vennlig Hilsen

Morten T.

Could you enable the Information log and send it to me?
It might just be a Somfy issue but the logs might help me find if there is a problem in the app.

Done :+1:t2:

Med Vennlig Hilsen

Morten T.

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