[App][Cloud & Pro]LinkTap App (Release 1.0.24)

I have published a new test (1.0.1) version the store.
Thanks to the tremendous support from LinkTap we have implemented a webhook notification system. They have been extremely helpful and responded to my many requests for additions and alterations so we have come up with a solution that is very fast to respond to events while reducing the load on both Homey and their servers.

I have also changed the ‘Add device’ method so the login can be done during that process.

There is a new button to clear the active alarms.

The battery capability is now a low battery alarm instead of the meter. Although I still haven’t test it properly yet as my 4 year old valve is still going strong on the original batteries, even though it switches on /and off twice a day.

The Wireless signal strength has been removed. It would have caused a lot of data for no benefit.

Extra alarms have been added to the G2 models for low water flow (possibly a blockage) and high water flow (possibly a leak).

New ‘Freezing Alarm’ has been added. The LinkTap checks the weather forecast just before the valve is activated and if the temperature is too low the alarm is set. The alarm is cleared either when the next watering event starts successfully or when the new clear alarms button is pressed.

In theory the app is also available for Homey (cloud) but I’m not sure it will be allowed as I am not the manufacture.

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A question that may have already come up. But I couldn’t find it with the search function.

What do you do with Linktap in the winter (frost)? I have now taken it off the tap and stored it indoors without batteries. Put the app on pause in Homey. But Homey continues to search for the LinkTap in the device overview. Is this bad? Should I leave the batteries in the LinkTap so that it stays online? Or should I remove the Linktap device and add it again in the spring?

I just took the valves off, switched off, stored indoors and paused the app.
The devices are showing the circle because of the paused app but that’s not a problem.


I have been leaving my in place. I just turn off the water supply to them, then switch them on to drain them.
They are also in a sheltered position so slightly protected from the extreme cold.
I think batteries on the oldest one failed a few days ago, after about 3 years of being left in place.

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Thnx for the reply’s. I was thinking if ‘showing the circle’ in the devices was a problem and Homey is trying to connect always. But it isn’t, thanks :).

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@Adrian_Rockall thx for this great app - could you please change the number of batteries from “2 x AA” to “4 x AA”, please?


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Oops, yep, no problem.

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thx :slight_smile:

Batteries are updated in the new test version.

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Dear @Adrian_Rockall thanks for the app.
I do however have a little issue with the m3 vs liter as the power by the hour app is taking the value in as m3. This accumulates to 1000x more water consumption in the calculations. Would it be possible to have the homey water meter in m3 and another custom one for showing the liters in the app? That way we could keep track on total volume used (and even add cost to that in the other app.
Thanks for support!!

Unfortunately it will be awkward to change it now as there are so many users and it will mess up their insights.
I could add an option to select the units in the advanced option so each user can choose.

OK, having played around a bit, the session volume looks silly in m3 as it is a small value. However, I am changing the new total volume to m3 as that could end up quite large so lends itself to the bigger units.


is that the “watermeter” in dutch?

That sounds like it’s the old one. The new one is “Total water used”.

Hi Adrian, does LinkTap currently has a server issue?
I can’t login to LinkTap app and activation of watering in Homey (old device, I think cloud access) results in http error.
But start watering manually at the G2 results in push messages from LinkTap and the Homey device is updated (on/off and current water usage).

Edit: link-tap.com called in the browser results in a 504 error (gateway timeout). So it seems to be a linktap issue.

Yep, I just tried mine and get the same.

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Is there a test version coming that supports the new d1 dual valve linktap ?

In theory it should already work. The dual version should just look like two single units, so when you go through the add devices you will see two LinkTaps to add.

Does this work with the linktap app

It looks nice, but which valve do i need for this because it has to be 24v, dc, direct. There are so many calves on the market, but almost every valve is AC. I have googled a lot, but it’s the longer i google the cloudier it gets😏

It does work with the app.

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