[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

Hi, some sensors are not reachable randomly after my regular reboot at night, app restart don’t fix it. I have to reboot whole Homey to get it fixed. What is odd, it’s happening like in 1 out if 7 regular Homey reboots.

My setup could be specific however, as I’m using several Ikea ZigBee routers to get aprox. 30 devices working. Yet maybe it’s worth to share.

Not sure if it’s something to be addressed to you @TedTolboom or to Athom support? (yet this happens with Aqara / Xiaomi devices only and not for example with Ikea ZigBee repeaters or ZigBee power outlets) . Also I’m not sure if always the same devices are unreachable (I would need to observe this first).

Also I’m not sure but I think I observed this first with 4.1rc2 version of Homey like 3 weeks ago.

Before restart : 84c41a82-4e29-4610-93e4-4f0b683add9b
After restart : 9a939f3a-b57b-4c0b-966d-2cfc780382aa


All my Xiaomi devices are not available. Buttons are showing as above with the red triangle with exclamation mark.
Sensors seems to be working tough, as my other devices are responding to the signals as they should (light on, report the door is open).

I have the same problem, did a PTP a couple of times and even did for more than an hour.
Re installing app doesn’t work either…

@Sharkys and @OA2.0 That’s quite a lot. Homey supports around 20+ zigbee devices directly connected. So make sure the enddevices (battery powered) like your aqara / xiaomi enddevices are connected to your zigbee routers and not homey directly. Maybe you could have a look at the developer page how the enddevices are connected/routed right now.

I reinserted the batteries of my aqara endevices at the place where I want to use them (so not close to homey), so they were reconnected through a router instead of directly to homey. If reinserting the battery doesn’t help then you could reconnect (remove/add) the whole device near a router (not close to homey).

Thank you but that it not my problem. It happens only after reboot for some devices. Another reboot fixes it always.

I haven’t installed temp sensors for a while but why can’t I enter a decimal to correct the temperature? I want to correct it with minus 2,8 degrees. Tried with a period and a comma. Also makes sure it reports with two decimals although I don’t know it makes any difference.

I bought the Xiaomi Smart plug (EU) (ZNCZ04LM) but the power meter is not working. I also have Chinese version which is working fine. Are other people having this problem? I have a total of 7 zigbee sensors connected to the homey directly and all shown as connected. Can somebody help me why I cannot see the power meters?

Problem solved by plugging the plug out and in


What is the status to add this controller ?

@Homdom eventhough I want to add support for this scene controller myself as well, I will need the Zigbee rewrite to make it available and stable…

@TedTolboom Okay that’s the problem. Thanks for the info :+1:

Hi everyone,

I nearly ordered the water sensor from aqara, but I then saw that it is not supported. It says well need to wait for zigbee 2.0 in homey which was coming shortly. However, that message on the forum was on April 2019. Does anyone know the status of (the possibility of) adding the aqara water sensor anytime soon?

Would love to add that to my homey flows

@Joris2112 unfortunately the status is the same…
But there are some indications that some things are about to change… :soon:

No guarantees on when :soon: will be and I will repeat my statement earlier; at the moment a new Zigbee core will be release for testing, one can expect that it might still take several weeks before it will become experimental and that the Aqara app will require a massive overhaul make use of the new core features.

When I was using Maxmudjon unofficial app, it supported water and smoke sensor via xiaomi gateway. Since he overtook the appstore app here the two sensors are not possible to add as a new device, however I can see them hooked up to xiaomi gateway.
So i am sure it does not relate to Zigbee reweite when you have Xiaomi gateway but only for direct connection of the sensors to Homey. Unfortunately these devices were not implemented here yet.

I didn’t imply anything else; this is the topic for the Aqara Zigbee app, which does mean a direct connection.

You correct, indeed for this app not possible, for now.

I saw that aqara g2 camera finally added NAS support

yeah i hope it fixes more issues than it makes new ones.
thanks for your work on these to date

Homey has an option to make flows with “a sensor did not report”. For me this doesn’t work well.
Now we also can make a flow with a “a sensor changed” then run timer, this works for temperature and plant sensors but not for door sensors.
Is it an option to make this also possible for door sensors? (And perhaps other sensors)

@Geurti a door sensor should remain silent (from communication perspective) to preserve batteries… and likely will only report it’s battery level in between.

I’m not sure what you want me to add here and I’m really reluctant in adding generic features as custom options within an app…