[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home


Yes, this is what I did!

I do the inclusion at 2 cm maximum from the homey pro.

I did not know the “PtP”. I will try the process and inform you of my success (or not).

Thank you all


Does not work for me :sleepy:

I’ve been trying for 3 days …

But the synchronization process starts and then u click the button and make sure the led blinks 3 times aye? No use in clicking the button every 2 seconds when led did not blink 3 times. I also experience lots of trouble getting the led blink 3 times before I can proceed.

Good morning all,

Just to tell you that I just bought this Aqara module:

And it works!

So I think there is a problem with the “Mi Smart Sensor Set” (https://www.mi.com/fr/mi-smart-sensor-set/ hardware that I wanted to use without a Gateway.

Thanks for your help.


Fantastic work on the app. Would very much like the Aqara Opple Wireless button to be supported!


Buongiorno a tutti sono nuovo e scrivo dall’Italia.
Vorrei acquistare questo hub homey ma avrei dei dubbi sull’utilizzo dei miei wall switch con cavo neutro.
li utilizzo normalmente con app xiaomi home con la modalità interruttore wireless.
potrò utilizzarla anche con hub homey?

google translate:

Hello everyone, I’m new and I’m writing from Italy.
I would like to buy this homey hub but I would have doubts about using my wall switches with neutral cable.
I normally use them with xiaomi home apps with wireless switch mode.
can I also use it with homey hub?


Si certo li puoi usare e configurare con questa app di Homey. Ma ti suggerisco di usare solo l’inglese sul forum avviato in inglese.

Yes of course, that device is included in the list of supported devices form this app. Please, next time use only English as this forum has restricted rules.

thank you very much Andrea. Do you have the possibility to send me some menu configuration screens?

I’ve not that device myself but you can lookat the App List of supported devices https://homey.app/en-ca/app/com.xiaomi-mi/Aqara-&-Xiaomi-ZigBee/
I’ve door/window sensors, Motion sensors and Temp sensor all full supported.
Here the temp sensor screenshots


I am new to Homey, and since I have a lot of Aqara devices, this App is pretty important to me. Generally, thank you for creating this App. Currently I am using the 2-way-relays to control my roller shutters. In Germany they are typically integrated in the building, just to mention it is not comparable to some curtain solutions. Generally it works to control them via Homey, but since I trigger a motor, I would like to have an interlock functionality. Additional to that I have with Alexa the problem that I am just able to control one relay and not both.

Generally I need to look how I get a logic to control the roller shutters to a specific point, like 50% closed or something like that. Nothing to do with this app, but since I am new to Homey I need to figure out some basic stuff. Maybe somebody has a link and can write me a private message?

So in the last days I took the next steps and I could find solutions for all kind of different problems. I connected my roller shutter with a virtual device to Alexa what worked really good.

But now I have a problem and I really don’t understand the issue. I tried to connect my Aqara THP (temperature, humidity and air pressure) sensor to my Homey and it didn’t work. I have 4 of them and none is able to pair.

I restarted the Homey, but this didn’t help. It gives the command to hold the restart button for some seconds until the led is blinking 3 times. The led lights up three times but after that nothing happens. After that I tried to connect my hue motion sensor which worked immediately. I have no idea what the problem is?

How many devices are directly connected to Homey?
Did you press the button every 2 seconds after it blinked 3 times?

Is the type of the device important? Battery or non battery devices? As I said, it was no problem to pair another hue motion sensor (also zigbee). So I was thinking it should not be a problem of the number of devices?

Currently I have ~30 zigbee devices, mainly bulbs and my roller shutter devices, which are connected permanently to power. Besides the hue motion sensor I have no other battery device connected.

The hint with pressing the button every 2 seconds did not help. I use the square version, in the pairing description there was nothing mentioned with pressing the button every 2 seconds, but when I used Google I found this hint so I tried it already. The problem is, that the pairing process is not starting. After some time I get a time out error. If I would have problems because I have already to many zigbee devices, this would be totally disappointing, because actually I am not done yet.

Never mind, I tried it again and it worked out with pressing the button every 2 seconds after resetting it. I tried it yesterday so often and got always a time out error. That’s confusing.

Thank you for your reply.

Thats quite a lot for Homey, with this number of devices, pairing of new ones is more and more difficult and some problems may ocure.

I’m a french newbee in domotic’s world. I’m happy to find your help here.

About my installation:
I bought a Homey to pilot my Somfy IO roller shutters.
I’ve bought too some Aqara devices, and I don’t have any hub/gateway from Xiaomi/Aqara.

My question now is about the Aqara Vibrator Sensor. I read on the web that it’s possible to change the vibration’s sensibility from less to medium and then hight. But I don’t find this in the Advanced Menu of the device in Homey.

  • Is it normal?
  • Do I need to add a Xiaomi hub/gateway to have this option?
  • Would this be integrated in a futur Homey’s update?

Thank you

I too am interested in this. Or perhaps having a trigger that uses the vibration level that is shown in the app

The aluminium foil seems indeed to do the trick :slight_smile: I tried it with aqara door sensor which was directly connected to homey. After removing and adding the aqara door sensor with aluminium foil between the enddevice and homey it connected to the nearest router (Innr sp120) instead of directly to homey to prevent the 20 connection limit. It can be seen back in the route section of https://developer.athom.com/tools/zigbee :smile: so big Thx.

Btw, Do I have to remove and add devices or is there another way to reconnect devices without breaking flows.

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You might be able to get it working by removing the batteries from the device you wish to “move” to another router, then set up the aluminium foil, then put the battery back in and hopefully the device reconnects to the mesh through a different router.


Thx for the tip. Removing a battery from an enddevice like an aqara door sensor or aqara mini switch, set up the aluminium foil and then replace the batteries back seemed to work fine, without breaking flows.

Cool this way I’m able to connect enddevices easier to routers instead of directly to homey (to prevent reaching the limit of 20 zigbee devices that can be connected directly to homey).

Edit: added image of homey zigbee route:

To answer your first question: yes. Usually a battery powered device is a client/endpoint. While a non-battery (mains, i.e with a plug) powered device is usually a router. A router can amplify/pass signal for other clients.

Homey can handle a maximum of 20 DIRECTLY connected devices. But it can be more, if those devices, like in your setup connect to Homey via router devices.