[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

Is it than better to use the aqara bridge instead? That app has added a lot of devices through that bridge

If you get it to work it’s more reliable but there are some caveats with a certain bridge version that should work but doesn’t due to a WiFi firmware version that you cannot change

I know how to do a PtP, but have no time for that in the early morning.
For now I’d better turn off the auto reboot.

I have done some research in the forum but no result. Developer about this app is thinking/working to implement it with the possibility to add aqara gateway as it could act as router? it could be very useful

Reset works.
Chosen to keep the data and all zigbee devices are reconnected.

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A PtP is a power down for 15 minutes. I believe you are talking about a reset of Homey…

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I have a B1 curtain motor which somehow lost its calibration. Already excluded/re-included to Homey, but no sigar.

Is there a way in the Homey app or otherwise to have it re-calibrate for track length?

Found the answer by trying, writing it down to help others:
Just put the curtain in the end-stop position and press the inclusion button 4 times. It will give 4 beeps and will store this position.

Two of my temperature / humidity sensors were not reporting. I did a PTP for 30 minutes, but that did not resolve the issue (but did scare the sh*t out of me, by showing a RED ring for a couple of minutes. That solves itself!).

In the end I removed the two temp/hum sensors and re-added them. One is now working nicely, but the other fails to include. It times out every time.

Just to check, I included it to a Xiaomi gateway. That worked fine. I removed it from the gateway and tried Homey again. It simply won’t include.

Homey is running the latest firmware and the Aqara App is up-to-date.

Anyone had a similar issue? Anyway to resolve this?


As always with Zigbee issues: how many Zigbee devices do you already have, and how many are directly connected to Homey (instead of through a router device)?

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That might be the problem…

I have 26 zigbee devices, of which 4 are routers.


Perhaps you can try and pair the sensor close to one of the routers.

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Yes, I did that with the first temp/humidity sensor. Worked like a charm. But, tried exactly the same with the other sensor. That does not work. (Tried it next to Homey too).

If I fell brave, I’ll PTP again tomorrow and try including again. The Red Ring scared me.

Recognisable this red ring :thinking:

The representation of the zigbee mesh in the developers section, shows that only 1 of my Aqara devices (a relay as node 21) act as a router. That is strange, as I have 3 more Aqara routers (node 5, 6 and 7). These seem to be avoided

Might this me App related?

Since you seem to be an expert, perhaps you care to explain why this is happening for @Eternity?

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Hey guys, no sweat!

A good formulation of the questions/problem will give a better answer. So, thanks Roy! I mesh eehhh mess things up…

And Robert, I have leant a lot from your posts. Thanks for your effort throughout the forum. That is greatly appreciated!

Cheers guys!

I will not edit/correct my original question, as it will make Roy’s comment obsolete.


To answer your question: it’s not app-related. A Zigbee controller (like Homey) doesn’t have a lot to say on how a mesh should form, and the issue is that (AFAIK) Zigbee doesn’t have a feature where a controller can tell a device that it should connect through a router because the controller’s device table has already filled up.

My experience with Aqara sensors is that they prefer to connect to the router that they connected with during the pairing process. If that is Homey, they may prefer Homey instead of a (closer-by) router device.


Thanks Robert!

I have connected all my end devices via Homey. I hesitate to unpair a directly connected device and repair it with a router nearby, as I have run into the ‘max zigbee’ devices… Had no problem, untill I had to remove and re-add a device; it simply won’t.

As it seems the re-write is about to be released (or, the rumour is increasing) I will wait a bit longer :slight_smile:

That won’t fix the maximum number of directly connected Zigbee devices, that’s a hardware limitation.
