[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

I only said that it is not a new type of bug and that it has already been discussed. So it was just a hint.
As for the temperature, I wrote that I think it has something to do with the temperature and that the messages always occur by me when it’s relatively cold. This morning, for example, I had again a message and temperature was about 0° C.

@JPe4619, I mounted the sensor outside in a protected area (direct sun, rain, snow). If I would mount the sensor on the inside of the window, I would have direct sunlight almost all day, and I don’t want that.

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just to be aware of!


Just added the motion sensor RTCGQ01LM that I was going to use as a luminance sensor, but I get no light/luminance cards to use in the flows. All the cards that show up are for either motion or battery.

You can’t (usefully) use those sensors for luminance as they only transmit luminance values when it detects motion. I suspect the luminance is available as a token.

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Like shown in the first post of this topic as well as in the app store page, this version of the motion sensor ( RTCGQ01LM) does not have a build in light sensor.

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Aah, sorry I missed that. I thought I looked hard enough and even did a search for the model number.

Ok thank you, that sucks. Any recommended luminance sensors I can use?

I´ve got an oled TV in my living room next to large windows to the south. I want to place a sensor next to the TV that will close the blinds when there is direct sunlight on the TV.

Direct sunlight on an Oled TV is bad för the organic material pixels.

Yes, GZCGQ01LM - works very reliably for me.

Awsome, thank you. I ordered two even before your reply :slight_smile: so it looks like I made a good choice.

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Agreed, also work fine for me :+1:t2:

hi my all zigged device not work I got this message how can fix this? Zigbee has been restored. Zigbee devices might require to be turned off and on again before they can re-connect to Homey.
I turn off power but not fixing

That’s not related to Aqara app at all, however seems you have to pair all Zigbee devices again WITHOUT removing them. But something like that happens not automatically,you have probably accidentally reset your Zigbee network. Please in case of additional questions, imsert it into separated Q&A part of the forum.

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thanks I try but not work and not me reset too ziggee networks.

@TedTolboom @edwintan after update still battery messages from light sensor aqara, but saw something. In homey energy the battery is a CR2032 but this is wrong there is a CR2450. Could you fix this? Maybe this is the reason for the empty el full state that always change from ful to 33%? Just bought new battery same problem.

Hope you can fix this.


@TedTolboom Do you have any idea when the Aqara Smart Radiator Thermostat E1 will be included in the app?
I am in need of a thermostat and this one sounds promising.

Hi, I bought some new window/door sensors, and they come up as unrecognised ZigBee device. Is there any plans to add those devices? (They come up as different profile name then other door sensors I have of this brand)

We don’t know which device you do have… please add them as Generic Zigbee device (Add device → Homey) and then interview them viahttps://tools.developer.homey.app/tools/zigbee and post results here, if you would like to get any relevant information.

Hi, did you get an answer, any support for Aquara Smoke Alarm Detector Sensor JY-GZ-01AQ Zigbee 3.0 ?