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Check if Zigbee and Wifi have interference on 2.4 GHz band on this web page.

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My wifi is on Channel 5 and Zigbee at 11.
When i choose the Bandwidth: 20 it is ok but when i choose Bandwidth: 40 it states “almost a problem”. I cannot see in my Deco P7 system how many “Bandwidth” they use, 20 or 40? Also the mesh system is alway “self” choosing what channel it uses. When i change the Zigbee channel in the developers-page will my whole zigbee network crash? Would i need to re-add my devices?

I have some sensors that even in 5.0 are not very reliable… Not reporting so i would like to try another Zigbee channel.

Sorry it’s a bit of aqara off topic. But it is a reply:

Always use for wifi 2.4ghz the non-overlapping channels 1, 6 or 11 and stick to 20mhz bandwith to avoid interference from neighbours or that you are the cause of interference to your neighbours. When you use something else than 1, 6 or 11, especially with 40mhz you generate more overlap with at least two non-overlapping channels that neighbours might use. 20mhz is enough for 2.4ghz and neighbour friendly. Most other devices (except homey) support the less crowded 5ghz anyway, for higher bandwith.


Also have a look at the frequencies of zigbee vs wifi before changing anything. blue are the zigbee channels. As you can see zigbee channel 11 (default homey zigbee channel?) has overlap with wifi channel 1

Interesting. The sad part is that the decoP7 mesh system does not allow the channel to be changed. It is a self learning system. Can you change the homey zigbee channel without destroying the whole zigbee network? Will my devices lock automatically to the new channel.

Sorry off-topic if requested I’ll delete my post

Sounds like a neighbour unfriendly system. That system should auto learn which channel (1, 6 or 11) should be chosen. Based on how crowded a channel is, but it should never choose a channel somewhere in between to prevent interference. What will happen if neighbours have a simular system, then the systems will fight each other and change channels everyday? :thinking:
Do you have the latest firmware, I do read some stuff about a future firmware update to have a bit more control.

Also not sure how your decoP7 recognize zigbee signals. Otherwise you can keep changing your zigbee channel, when your decoP7 ‘decides’ to switch from wifi channel. I would like to have a system to have your own control and not some system that thinks for me. Without knowing all the side effects. Other words, Zigbee channel change is not your solution, when your decoP7 have the ability to change to another wifi channel automatically.

I think you can however do change safely the zigbee channel without destroying the zigbee network entirely.

@moderators maybe this subject should be moved. It’s kind of off topic to be in the aqara topic.

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I use several temperature sensors from aqara, the WCDCGQ11LM, I have added another sensor under homey v5 and what struck me that no battery level is passed on, a question mark remains, the sensors added under previous versions of homey, the battery level is passed on, a sensor that I had previously added removed from homey and added again under homey v5 and with this sensor now also no battery level display here also the question mark, so the problem is in homey v5.

Has anyone already see this before?

A few post back this is mentioned as well, also by me. So I do think there is something wrong indeed, other aqara sensors (door/window) do report the battery level when added by me.

I don’t know if this is under investigation bij @TedTolboom already? Or is it something going wrong with athom?

PS not trying to push you Ted, this is only a nice to have, they do never run out of battery anyways is my experience :slight_smile:

Yes he is:

And indeed many people have the problem. Must be related to a new device that is added after stable V5 upgrade compared to devices that were already added. All my temp sensors report battery status, except one which is the only one I added after V5 upgrade, added 11 days ago.

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it is not a new device.

With new device, I meant ‘recently added’ (for Homey it’s a new device :thinking:)
Exactly what you are saying here:

Aqara temperature devices that have been added to Homey while it’s running on homey V5 compared to Aqara temperature devices added to Homey with previous homey versions. There must be a difference somewhere, how the battery status indicator reacts.

This sounds like @TedTolboom might have the ability to reproduce it with his test homey, for a quicker fix :slight_smile:

Thanks for the additional information.
Now I’ll need to find some time to try to reproduce; quite busy at work and making plans for upgrading our house…


I can confirm that. All Aqaras that were taught in after the update to 5.0 no longer show any battery capacity. Everyone before the update doesn’t have this problem.

Not entirely true. I’ve been adding motion sensors and contact sensors and battery life is reflected, it just takes anywhere from an hour to a day before it shows up (probably has to wait for the first battery level push?)

For Aqara temperature devices they indeed have not pushed their battery life yet (been almost a week now)

I can confirm this, with me the contact sensors (window/door) do show battery percentage after an hour or so (as usual). Only the temperature sensors are not showing it in my case.

Same for me.

Do the devices start reporting the battery state when you press the button of the device / remove and re-insert the battery?

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In my case no, they don’t. Pushing the button only reallign the link between device and Homey showing updated measurements, but the battery isn’t shown. Removing and re-inserting the battery lead to the same result.

Same issue here since V5

Make no difference.

I do experience this too. I added temp sensor recently.