[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

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At first I thought that the sensor “freezes”. But comparing the statistics in insights.homey.app, I found that the TH 2 sensor (connected via Xiaomi Mi Home) reports the temperature every 0.1 degrees, and TH 1 (connected via Aqara & Xiaomi ZigBee) only every 0.5 :frowning:

Here are the reports from Insights: Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life

The problem is this. My heating works 21 = on and 21.2 = off. I have underfloor heating, and they heat up for a long time and keep the temperature for a long time. If the temperature changes by 0.5 degrees, then the floor is already noticeably cold and it is not comfortable to walk on it. It is also more difficult for a heat pump to warm up by 0.5 degrees than it is to maintain a 0.2 degree difference.

Just FYI, the Aqara devices have an SHT30 sensor onboard, which has a typical tolerance of ±0.3°C and a maximum tolerance of ±0.4°C. So if your system depends on being accurate to 0.1°C, you should reconsider the devices you’re measuring the temperatures with.


Ok, my friend, no problem. I can only ask you to solve the problem :slight_smile:

O.K., I understand now.
De keep in mind that controlling your system like you described, you will never have a stable system. Wen keeping this 0.2 degree difference, your heating will get stuck in a feedback loop.

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It has been working this way for the second year. I check the temperature on a timer, every 10 minutes.

Ah, O.K.! I understand now. The temporisation will avoid getting stuck in the feedback loop.
If you lower the temporisation, the effect will be the same as lowering the temperature resolution

Are there new divices comming for the Aqara app? I see many devices like a valve and radiator knobs but they are all bases on the tuya zigbee system.

I’m having problems with adding devices . Can’t add a wireless switch , socket temp sensor v4

Hi all,
Sorry if already discussed, is there a way to have the good lamp state in Homey when using the right switch of a wired Aqara double switch directly from the wall ?
State in the app is fine if I switch the lamp on or off from the app but no state update if I use the switch itself. Works pretty fine with the left switch.

I now have a problem with adding new devices.
The 3 devices i had originally (2 door sensors and a button switch) work fine.
I have 2 temp sensors, 1 motion sensor, one light sensor and 2 exrta button switches.
None want to connect, they all time out even when i keep the devices awake by pressing the reset button.
I see the blue led light up so it’s awake but the app keeps timing out.
I restarted the Homey and the app but that did not fix the problem.
A zigbee reset i have not tried yet since one of the door sensors is in a difficult place to take down again to do a new pairing.
Does anyone have a idea why new pairings fail and old devices still work fine
How can i troubleshoot this.

How many Zigbee devices do you have connected to Homey’s Zigbee network (so excluding Zigbee devices connected to other controllers, like a Hue bridge)? Of those, how many are battery-powered and how many are permanently powered?

Also, people that haven’t done a Zigbee reset have lots of issues (including not being able to add new devices), so the outcome may still be that you need to do a reset.

HI Robert.

I have 3 Zigbee devices all battery powered.
There are no other controllers or repeaters.
Most of my Home Automation is WiFi Based, only the Xiaomi stuff i listed in my post is zigbee.

How far from Homey are you trying to add the devices? Because you don’t have any router devices, you can pair the devices near Homey.

However, if that doesn’t fix your problem, I think you’re going to have to perform a reset. You don’t have a lot of devices so it isn’t an issue of having reached a maximum-device limit.

EDIT: another possibility could be interference from WiFi. Do you know which WiFi-channel you’re using?

Hi Robert,

I added them right next to the Homey.

WiFi is using mostly channel 11.

Is there a way to force ZIgbee to anothe channel ?
I see thats on 11 as well, although interferance seems unlikely if i add the devices about 10cm from the homey.

WiFi channel 11 and Zigbee channel 11 is okay, they use a different numbering scheme so they are actually quite well separated (WiFi channel 11 is 2462Mhz, Zigbee channel 11 is 2405Mhz). So interference seems unlikely, although there’s always the possibility that your neighbours’ WiFi can cause interference.

However, it’s starting to look like you need a Zigbee reset.

Perhaps use a Virtual Thermostat set to exactly 21.1 and a hyterisis of 0.1
The VT gets the temperature from the average of all temperature sensors in the room and can be set with 0.1 figure.

Homey V5
Aqara V1.1.4
I believe there is a bug with door/window sensor from Xiaomi when revert logic is enabled, the contact alarm turns on by itself after some time (around 30-60 minutes)
This does not happen with the equivalent device from aqara.
And it does not happen with the xiaomi one’s if reverse logic is not enabled, only when it is enabled.

Anyone please?