[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

@TedTolboom Many thanx for your efforts. Wireless switches and humidity sensors working fine.

Indeed Ted, but the second wireless switch cannot be added. It seems that i can’t add any devices anymore. The 5 that i added are working perfect!

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I also tried to restart the aquara app, but no result.

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Maybe a reset of the zigbee network?

Thanks for reporting: will be fixed in version 1.0.1

@Hans-Jochen_Nissen, @Ton_van_Rijnsoever, @Patrick_van_der_Meer, like @Sharkys already suggested, can you check how many Zigbee devices you have included and how many of them are EndDevices or Routers?

Can you share the requested information on this issue at: https://github.com/TedTolboom/com.xiaomi-mi-zigbee/issues/222

Please do note that inclusion is handled outside the (Aqara) app environment.
I’ll use this information to check with Athom where the issue is originating.


HI @TedTolboom , I Have 11 EndDevices. I also thinking that is from outside the app. I also can not include a router device

Still testing after updating the App and most sensors seem to work again. #Happy

Only one of the two Aqara motion sensor failed. Changed battery but still no signal. After removing I can’t add it again. Sensor is flashing 3 time but homey doesn’t connect.

Any ideas?

Try pairing it close to Homey. I have 6 Aqara motion sensors and 6 door sensors all working just fine.
2 of them i had to pair them near homey and after that i moved them where they should be. Eventually after you move it away from homey press the pairing button on aqara sensor 1 time short.

Just released TEST version v1.0.1, fixing:

  • Aqara wireless single switch (2018) scene triggers
  • Xiaomi light sensor battery reporting (removal and re-inclusion of the sensor required)

People having connection issues: please provide the requested information at https://github.com/TedTolboom/com.xiaomi-mi-zigbee/issues/222
(which includes creating a support ticket at Athom on their request)


Thanks, I’ve tried that several times, but so far without any luck.
The door sensors are indeed okay.
Maybe I’ll try a different battery tomorrow.

Just updated to V5.0.0.34 RC and Ted’s 1.0.1 Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Zigbee App
Out of the 43 zigbee devices 41 are added without issues. 2 TRÅDFRI lightbulbs are not responding (yet)

All Aqara and Xiaomi devices where added. Just 2 with a little “push” :innocent:

@TedTolboom Great job!! :+1:t2: :+1:t2: :+1:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2:

Notices sofar: Zigbee mesh is quicker and more responsive!!! :grin:

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I have the same problem. I was able to remove some devices and add them again wwith speed of light compared to the past. But suddenly Im not able to add any other device. Did reboot, PTP but no success.

@TedTolboom battery status is ok after the fix! Thnx!


Past this in Request frame:
//Get SDK version of Apps - SDK v2 and higher needed for Homey firmware 5.x
Homey.apps.getApps().then(f => Object.values(f).reduce((r,b)=>Object.assign(r, {[b.name]:b.sdk}), {}));

Klick RUN

Result: “Google Chromecast” : int 2
Meaning: int 2 = SDK 2


@TedTolboom, I think I have found a workaround. I reset the zigbee network and then added some routers first. Then I was able to add all EndDevices. So problem solved for me.
Everything works fine, many thanks

A post was merged into an existing topic: Zigbee routing and 20 devices (directly connected) hardware limit

I’m drawing the line here guys…

I’ll ask the mods to split the more generic Zigbee discussion from this app topic; it is informing (and deserves it’s own topic).

Let’s get back on topic: me! :grin:

… a well, also the Aqara app…


Thx TED, great work. Waiting for Develco update now :), see u in 3 weeks.

@TedTolboom, I am not able to connect the Aqara Wireless Mini Switch.
I have already made several attempts (+20) (reset, press longer than 3 seconds, press again and again after the 3 seconds, change the battery, etc.). Unfortunately without success. I already reported this on GitHub #223.
And yes, the switch was close enough (< 2 cm). To connect a Xiaomi Light Sensor was no problem.

Today I tried to connect the Switch to the ConBee II USB stick again. This worked without problems on the first try. Adding the switch via the deCONZ App to Homey also worked without problems.

Does anyone else have problems to connect the switch?