This tread is not created nor monitored by the Brand Amina or Developer of the Amina app.
For official support on Amina charger mail to:
For official support on the Amina app use the Email link in the App support (currently: )
This Homey app allows you to monitor and control your Amina EV charger.
The Amina charger is connected via Zigbee
Device Capabilities
These setting are found on the Settings of the Device
Load balancing
Load balancing will prevent that one of your phase’s gets overloaded and trips your main circuit breaker.
Your installer should have installed the Amina on a seperate group and the max current should be set inside the Amina charger.
But the phases can stilll be overloaded.
When you use your Amina at full power and additionally switch on heavy loads on any of the 3 phases (dryer, dishwasher, oven)
This flow will reduce the power of your Amina when high current is detected
Only use the surplus of your solar energy to charge your EV. To minimise your energy returned to grid.
(Remember, EV’s generally require a minimum of 6A (1.4kW) to start charging)
Amina app v2.0.1 (currently the latest) is lacking functionality to support surplus solar energy charging
Amina app v2.1.0 (27 Aug) now supports single phase charging,
I will update the flow below with the new card
The surplus of solar panels is less than 18A in most common cases.
(I have 20 panels and only on 1 day I hit the 18A this year)
So most of the time you want to charge with less than 18A. Which means: 1phase chasing (6-16A)
But the amina app does not have a card to set 1phase charging (only 3phase) charging.
I made a request to the app developer and @amina to add this flowcard to the app.
Below is my flow (which is also usable for other chargers)
the flows input is the energy level from my meter P1
a second flow will trigger calculation of the energy every minute using the insight trends reloaded app to provide the mean value over 1 minute (the input)
The setting over the charger is based on the current settings minus the energy measured (P1). So return (negative) will increase the charger current
This flows will sent a push message to your phone in case of an alarm triggered by the Amina
you can Import this flow
You can import this flow into your homey using the flow exchange capability of the device capabilities app.
Find the instruction on howto download a flow in the device capabilities thread
don’t forget to replace the user by your own name.