How to Import an Exchanger File?
Copy The Exchange File below, and paste it into the text field in the App Settings.
This is The Exchanger File for:
Press Read Flows and it will show all found Devices, App(tokens), Users and Variables, that are in the flow you are importing.
Behind all those you have the option to replace, for instance, the User Arie J. Godschalk from the original flow, with a user from your own, or change the variable.
Now you can press Update Text and a flows-creation-script will be placed in the below textbox.
Copy it, open the link to the Playground, paste and execute the script.
Now the flow(s) will be created, but it will replace all references to Devices, Tags, Apps, Users and Variables with your own! (this is allready changed in the script):
For example:
Homey.flow.createAdvancedFlow({advancedflow:{"id":"a8e72450-cdf6-40b1-afb9-6186330037ec","name":"_The Flow Exchanger","enabled":true,"cards":{"254b78e0-f0e2-453a-8b7b-591e692bdc94":{"ownerUri":"homey:manager:flow","id":"programmatic_trigger_string_tag","type":"trigger","x":40,"y":200,"outputSuccess":["573a0476-d318-4b84-9746-daee611d185e","ac6e82a1-1001-4d70-86f5-2a82c005f5c7"]},"573a0476-d318-4b84-9746-daee611d185e":{"ownerUri":"homey:manager:presence","id":"set_awake","args":{"user":{"name":"Arie J. Godschalk","id":"c81128fe-eff8-4697-8588-f156ea1ae737"}},"type":"action","x":460,"y":220},"ac6e82a1-1001-4d70-86f5-2a82c005f5c7":{"ownerUri":"homey:manager:logic","id":"variable_set_string","args":{"variable":{"id":"77433e01-b934-4a20-a927-0d28a5fb3200","name":"Te doen meldingen"},"value":"[[homey:manager:presence|c81128fe-eff8-4697-8588-f156ea1ae737-asleep]]"},"type":"action","x":460,"y":300}}}});
After you executed this, you will get this flow:
This can also be used to copy/paste flows on your own Homey, and change devices, users, etc., in very fast way!