Any way to disable widgets on Devices tab in latest iOS app?

The homey app on iOS just updates to 7.3 and it brings new widgets on the Devices tab.

Also, it displays several kWh usage numbers now in a green font.

Any way to disable these two changes?

  • We’re constantly improving Homey to be easier and more fun, our recent update takes device control to new heights. Discover new widgets in the Devices tab, starting with Lights, Activity, Speakers, and Energy – with more to follow.
    :link: Learn more about this new feature on our blog: New Ways to Control Your Home | Homey News


Hmm. Is it then possibly to choose which items/devices are included in these widgets?

For example: I have a few hue bulbs that are controlled with a normal switch so homey thinks they are ON but they aren’t. And the energy widget calculates with several virtual devices I use that make the calculation far from usable.

OT, but do you mean you’re switching the power to them on/off? Because if so, that’s a big no-no for smart bulbs, they should have power all the time.


That’s a bad habit in a smart home… that should not happen also for your zigbee network.

Exlude the Virtual devices from your energy if you can, else set energie to Zero fror them or move one of the duplicates to another zone.

I haven’t figured out how to install hue wall switches in the ‘hotel switch’ setup, but all works fine for now.

If you replace the normal switches for Hue switches, just let both of them toggle the light on /off.
Or; if you want to keep the existing switches, connect a Hue switch module behind it (if there’s enough space).