Hello, I have 2 OSRAM Smart+ Plugs and a couple of zigbee start bulbs (Philips Hue, Osram Smart+, Ikea Tradfri) connected to my Homey.
Modifying their state (like turning on/off, setting brightness) works fine.
However I’ve noticed that the status displayed on Homey app is frequently incorrect - f.ex. when I turn on my smart plugs Homey still shows them grayed out, as if they were still turned off. If I click on them, the plug remains on, and Homey app starts displaying them correctly.
The same is with bulbs - I can’t rely on the status displayed in the app. Once I set the state via mobile phone - then it’s fine, at least for some time.
The plugs are always connected to electricity, I turn them on/off via automation in Homey.
Bulbs are screwed into standard ceiling lights, therefore I frequently turn them off by simply disconnecting from electricity.
Have you run into this behavior? How can I improve displaying device statuses? The only idea I have is to connect them not to Homey directly, but to Philips Hue bridge, and use deprecated app in Homey to connect to bridge… is there a chance it may help?